A girl in a red dress

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"Our house is right over here!" My husband James called, over to our housemates Greg and Brandon, as they exited the moving truck packed with all our belongings. My husband James was a police force cadet just starting, you would never expect that from him as he was only five feet five inches, and his smile welcomed you rather than deterring you from committing a crime, but I supported him. The day we moved in the weather was discouraging, the only cold stormy day in over two-weeks, even thru the rain you could tell the house was big and welcoming, sky blue walls, white shudders, and matching door; what lurked within the walls was pure evil. -

it's our house warming, we invited family and friends to celebrate our moving in, and frankly to get gifts to add to our home. As I was cleaning up afterward, I could hear a strange knocking coming from the basement door, I ignored it thinking it was one of my house mates, or my husband messing with me. Then I looked over to the couch, there sat Greg and Brandon, my husband was sitting in the recliner next to it, "did any of you hear that ?"

"Hear what?" all of them said almost in unison. James put his beer down, sat up and looked at me,

"I heard knocking coming from the basement door." James got up and started toward the basement door.

"Nicky, you stay here. Greg, Brandon, you guys come with me."
The two of them followed, making their way quietly to the door, James puts his hand on the knob turning it gently, then opened it quickly, so it wouldn't creak and startle a possible intruder. They crept down the stairs as quiet as they could, the last to go in, Greg grabbed a badminton racket I'd left by the door, to use as a weapon. He followed creeping quietly down the concrete steps. I hear from upstairs James yell into the darkness, in a commanding voice,

"I am a police officer, if someones down here come out now!"

They looked in every corner of that basement, for over an hour. Finding nothing they returned upstairs,

"No sign of anybody down there. No signs of a break in either, maybe you heard an animal, or something, I'll set some traps tommorow"

Brandon walked over to the sofa, picked up his bud light, plopped down, and took a long swig

Greg looked uneasy, he lacked the courage, that Brandon and James had, it wasn't his fault, while they went hunting and fishing, Greg was raised to be a business man, he kept his nails clean, and wore suits, ties, and khakis. The boys idea of dressed up, was a button down, and a pair of jeans that weren't stained with dirt and oil. Greg wears loafers, while my husband, and Brandon wore steal toed boots. I looked at him and asked him,

"You alright there, Dude you look like you've seen a ghost" I brought my coke bottle to my lips, and took a sip

"Maybe it was something, maybe we should call the police." Greg said, still pacing around the room, shaking like he was cold; but it was the middle of June no way he was cold.

"I mean, what if we're wrong, what if someone's down there?" his eyes darted back to the door

"Calm down bud, James is a cop if someone was down there he would have found them" Greg took a deep breath, and took a swig of the Jim beam in his glass

Shortly after we all retired to our rooms. I was in the bed room alone I sat reading my nightly devotion when I felt a cold chill race up my spine, like something cold breathing down my neck, I read aloud trying to calm myself. "for even though I walk through the valley of death..." As the familiar calming words came from my mouth the cold feeling left and was replaced by warmth and a feeling of peace, for now.

That night in my dreams, a terrifying scene unfolded. I saw a beautiful woman, her skin fair, with red freckles across her face which matched her deep red hair her eyes as blue as the ocean, she wore a long red dress. Her expression was of fear, as she tried to get away from a man, tall with dark brown almost black hair his eyes, were piercing red as if there was a fire inside of him. His pants were black he wore a light blue button-up shirt which was half-tucked, half untucked, a tie was loose hung around his neck. I watched helplessly as he ran to her, grabbed her by the neck, and pushed her out of the window, my mind drew a picture of her falling and then landing forcefully on the ground. He came towards me his image changed, his face twisting and morphing it into my own husband. He reached out to grab me, but then something stopped him. My husband woke me up, after hearing me scream in my sleep...

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