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Harry's POV

"Y-yo" I stutter cringing over what I had just said, "You-you look wow" I whisper wishing my big mouth would just shut up. She giggles before blushing and turning around. In that moment I just want the Earth to swallow me up because of how embarrassed I am. But I did make her laugh so it's not all bad. Damn she looks good. I follow behind her towards the sofa, and to my luck I now have to sit next to her. I slide down the chair quickly causing me to fall on the floor with a thud. I look around to see her looking down at me with a wide smile. Her smile. It's as perfect as her.

Your POV


I look down and see Harry slumped on the floor after he fell off of the chair. I laugh for a second before holding my hand out for him to grab, however he just looks at me not taking my hand, just gazing. I become slightly uncomfortable and shift in the seat which breaks him from his daydream. Taking my hand he pulls himself up and sits next to me on this very cramped sofa. 

"Hey, you alright?" I ask looking at him as the other boys continue their conversation about video ideas. 

"Uh, yeah, yeah I'm good. Thanks for helping me up" He replies with a small smile.

"No problem."

-----Very short time skip----

As the boys' conversation comes to an end I ask a very important question.

"Where am I sleeping then lads?" 

"We have a spare bedroom upstairs on the left, at the moment it's messy but we'll sort it out for you by tonight." Josh replies whilst looking at me then he switches his sight to Harry to whom he winks at. I thank him before telling him that I can clean it as I'll probably be better at it then them by the looks of the house at the moment. They all huff before agreeing that I would probably be better at it. I don't bother asking why Josh winked at Harry, I'm sure it didn't mean anything.

The night goes on with JJ after he comes back from training just in time for pizza for food that night. I made them all laugh, they made me almost die with laughter. I can already tell that these two weeks will be fun.

I excuse myself from the living rom and tell them I'm going to clean up the room because Ill be going to bed soon due to jet lag. Simon says he'll help, I don't tell him not to bother because the quicker we get this done the sooner we can all go back to talking and sharing ideas.

"The one on the left." Simon says behind me as we make our way up the stairs to the next floor .

"Got it" I say as I approach the wooden door.

I open the door to reveal a lot of old video props. I sigh before clearing out a path way. I say to Simon I was going to get a bin bag to put rubbish away in. He starts to move some of the unnecessary things into a pile that can go straight into the bin. 

"I return with the all mighty bin bag!" I say in a posh voice as I bow down. He laughs before taking the bag from my hands and fills it up with some rubbish. We joke around and before I know it the room is clean and now the bed it easily accessible from the door. We both collapse on the bed. Simon then speaks up.

"He likes you by the way" He says out of the blue.

"You what?" I question him as I sit up straight on the bed raising an eyebrow.

"I mean it's pretty obvious." he sighs as he gets up from the bed to sit on the chair near the computer.

"I mean it's obviously not as I don't know who you're talking about" 

"Harry, he likes you. like a lot. When Behz told us that you were coming home from America he wouldn't stop stalking you on social media or shut up about how good you look. And if I'm honest, it got kinda annoying after a while." He laughs, I blush at the thought of Harry talking about me to the point where people were getting annoyed at him. 

"So is that why Josh winked at him when he said about where my room is?" I ask him tilting my head to try and understand.

"Yes, but it's also because Harry's room is on the right. Which he knew would make Harry happy because he would be closer to you, and if there was any trouble you would go to him because it was the closest place." He explains. I nod as I begin to understand why he's been acting weird. 

"Okay, I get it now. But does Harry know that Eth is a very overprotective brother meaning dating is pretty much off limits. It doesn't matter even if it is one of his best mate." I explain to which he just shrugs.

"I have no idea. I guess we'll have to see what happens" He says slyly before exiting the room leaving me with my thoughts.

"Do I like Harry?" I whisper aloud.

I mean yes, I do. He gives me thing warm feeling in my heart every time I'm around him. I did have a little thing for him when I first met him but I thought being away would change that but obviously not. I guess Simon is right. We'll have to see how things turn out. 

I think before leaving the room to head downstairs.


Chapter 2 completed, I hope you enjoy this one. I'm going to try and get as many chapters as I can out before I go away on holiday. Don't forget to vote as it means a lot and it tells me that you're enjoying this book so far. 


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