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I was helping Guy attempt to rescue his family. They were slowly sinking into the inky black tar. I looked at him and we both knew that we couldn't do anything.

"Go live life, don't be afraid of the unknown. Go to tomorrow." They told us. I'm not sure that's what they actually said, but it sounded wise.

Guy and I watched as they sunk under the tar, never to come back up. Guy knew he shouldn't cry, but there was no use in not. I wrapped him in my arms and we knew that we would be great friends.

Ten Years Later...

The end was coming. It was coming quicker and quicker. Guy and I had learned to make something we called fire. It looked like a little sun. Back to the point, it would scare off wild animals and keep us safe. And we hate the dark, and it made everything brighter. Using our brains, we made other things, like actual clothes, and shoes. Shoes are amazing.

A week after Guy's parents died, two friendly sloths began to follow us. We decided that they would be useful to keep our pants up. Guy got a brown one and I claimed the white one. Guy named the little one Belt. I named my little dude Scarf.  Scarf kept my neck warm in the cold times. 

Belt and Scarf have been with us for the ten lonely years, of just the company of the other three. But the four of us were just enough. 

We huddled on a cliff for a night. We would have a quick escape and clever disguises with Guy's boar head and my Bobcat head. We weren't the least concerned that the light of our fire would attract any wild animals or cavies. As we sat close to the fire, we heard the sound of sticks cracking. We pulled on our animal heads and sank into the darkness.

A young girl in a tiger skin rag stalked closer to the fire. Me and Guy lined up behind her copying her ever move. She turned around quickly and armed herself with a rock. Guy and I lifted up the animal heads to reveal our faces. She lowered the rock and it dropped onto Guy's foot. He screamed in pain and crab walked away from her and I tried to crawl.

"I'm not supposed to be out here!" She cried frantically. She grabbed us by our necks holding us up.

"Air!" Guy gasped and I tried to pry her hands off my neck.

"Y-you talk!" she asked curiously. 

"Yes were humans too! Now put us down!" I snapped as she picked lifted us higher. "I said put us down!"

"Y/N, were humans sorta like her." Guy gasped as he tried to hind my arm.

The girl lowered us to the grown and began poking Guy. I slapped her hand and Belt and Scarf looked up at her causing her to leap backwards. I growled at her and she looked frightened.

"Your really strong." Guy said sounding like he was in pain. I noticed the fire was only a few embers on the stick and rushed over to it.

"Hey no it's mine!" She yelled as she blocked my path. I growled at her once more.

"Please, no! We hate the dark." Guy whispered as he scooted around her and began lightly blowing on it. I jumped over her and helped Guy. Her face became understanding and watched us.

We explained to her that fire wasn't a living thing and we had to make it. She picked up Guy and nearly crushed him demanding him to make it. Guy passed out and Belt zapped him with stones. I grabbed his arm and helped him stand up. The earth rumbled bringing us back to the present.

"Tiger Girl, we need to get out of here immediately." Guy said as he picked up the fire and his boar head. I put Scarf around my waist and put my bobcat head on my head. 

"But I don't even know you..." She said as she looked us down.

"I'm Guy, this is Y/N. Belt and Scarf, cooks, navigators, conservationists, and they keep our pants up, and Scarf keeps necks warm. You are you?" Guy asked her as he grabbed my hand making me blush.

"Eep, and what are pantsup?"

I ignored her question and stated "Let us clarify Eep. The world is ending, we call it The End." I said and Belt and Scarf said in harmony "Dun dun duuuunnn!"

"How do you know?" she asked.

"We've seen it and it's coming this way. First the ground is gonna shake then everything falls into fire, lava! And we don't mean to sound to dramatic but-" Guy said as we broke out into hysterically screaming.

"And believe me Eep, everything that we're standing on will be gone, just like that!" I said pointing to the ground.

Then Guy and I both said "Will you come with us?"

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