Chapter 1: Friends!?

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Disclaimer: This story wouldn't be possible without Clare Siobhan and her YouTube channel, this is a fanfic of her Sims plus a character I created called Amelia Brooks. I don't own any of the characters except for Amelia, Miranda Brooks and other side characters I might add in. Hope you enjoy💗
Side note: The photo for the cover isn't mine, it's belongs to @clares_peachy_edits and you can follow them on Instagram

"Come on Lia! I need to get to work quickly!" Mum said impatiently waiting as I was trying to put on my shoes. I still have trouble with these things even though Mum says "I'm big enough to do this on my own.".
"Oh for goodness sake! Here," she said putting my shoes on. "Now let's go before my boss calls me." I held her hand as we walked out of the apartment and towards the bus that would take us to the city.
"But Mummy, why am I going with you? I thought Faith was baby-sitting me again?" I asked just as the bus came to a stop, we got out and walked to her work. I don't know what she does for her job but she says "It's very important and your still too young to understand." I knew that Faith is a doctor who helps people when they're sick and stuff. But Mum says I'll go into a job like her own someday, whatever that is.
"Well yes, but she had an emergency shift at the Hospital so I had no choice but to take you with me, don't worry though... There's a couple other kids there today too in a big playroom set up for the three of you so you won't be alone." We walked inside and Mummy talked to the desk Lady, who held out her hand for mine but I was too shy so I grabbed onto Mums leg. She was nice though and gave me a lollipop so I took her hand and she walked me down a corridor into a room, I saw Mummy open a door and walk into another room just a couple doors down.
I was upset a bit at first but then the lady said there were toys for me to play with and there were two other girls there
too, so I said thank you and walked over to the blocks. I was just starting to build a tower when I heard a couple of voices.
"Indie! Give that back! I had her first!" A girl cried to who I guessed was her sister, they looked nearly the same! Indie held a doll in her hands and was arguing back. She was wearing a blue dress with blue shoes, and her blonde curls were pulled into a side ponytail.
"But Violet, it's my turn to play with Dolly! It's not fair!" She yelled and I put my block down to walk over, nearly tripping over in the process. I noticed Violet was a bit matching to Indie, the same dress but purple with the same shoes but again purple. Her blonde straight hair was tied into a half-up half-down hairstyle, but the thing I noticed the most was her pretty purple eyes unlike Indies deep Blue like Faith.
"Please stop yelling, it's hurting my ears." I said softly to Indie, "My Mummy says it's not nice to yell at your family."
"And your Mummy would be right, you must be Amelia, I'm Emily." A lady had poked her head through the door and slowly walked in closing the door behind her. "I'm Faiths mum, and these two are her twin sisters and my other daughters Indigo and Violet." She pointed to the girl in the blue dress then to the girl in the purple dress. "Now what on earth is going on here girls! I can hear you from down the hall." She said a bit annoyed. "I need to get back to my meeting so make it quick please."
"Mummy! Indigo has Dolly but I still wanted to play with her!" Violet whined
"Yes, but you've had her for too long! And you put her down to talk to the new girl so I picked her up! Now she won't stop yelling at me!" Indigo cried to Emily with a couple of tears in her eyes.
"Oh honestly girls, it's just a doll! Violet, you have to learn to share your toys with other people. Indigo, make sure you ask your sister if she's finished playing with the toys before you take them. Alright?"
"Ok, sorry Mummy..." the two sisters said quietly.
"Good girls, now I have to get back to my meeting, be nice to Amelia!" She said before walking back out the door. I looked at the two girls with a small worried look on my face.
"Glad that's over, can you two play nice now. Maybe give each other a hug?" I said hopefully. The twins looked at each then gave each other a big hug each saying "I'm sorry".
"So what's your name?" They both asked me, we laughed and sat down together on the floor. I love how they had that special connection with each other, I was an only child so I wouldn't know anything about having a sibling.
"I'm Amelia, but my Mummy calls me Lia, you can too if you want!" I said smiling, "What about you?"
"I'm Indigo! But MY family call me Indie!" she said, of course I already knew her name from when her sister and Emily talked to her, but I was trying to put on my best manners.
"And I'm Violet! I don't really have a special nickname though..." Violet said a little sadly, I felt bad for her so I decided to cheer her up with one.
"I know! What about Vi?" I said trying to make her feel better.
"Ok." She smiled gratefully.
"How old are you two?" I asked.
"4, but our big sister is 25! And our parents are really old just like our Aunts and Uncles." Indie said, she seemed a bit more talkative then Violet but I didn't mind.
"I'm 4 too! And I know your sister, her name is Faith. She looks after me sometimes when my Mummy is at work. She lives in a huge apartment, a lot bigger than ours at least."
"That's so cool! Our parents live in Willow Creek, in the Dream House with Aunties Jessy and Roxy. There's also their old Cat Frankie."
"Thats so cool too! i live in San Myshuno but more so in the direction of Windenburg where it isn't so busy. I wish I had a pet... but the person in charge of our apartment says we're not allowed to have a pet in the apartment which is very sad." Windenburg, Willow Creek and Newcrest are all Suburbs that I know of near San Myshuno, one of the biggest and famous cities in the country. Brindelton Bay I think isn't too far away from Willow Creek as well, which is famous for having a lot of stray animals.
"What's the Dream House, is it like Barbie?" I asked Violet.
"It's the big house that our grandparents Clare and Ali Callery-Aiken built together, it took them awhile as they had to pay the builders and they had to work for the money but it was finished just before our Aunt Jessy was born!" She answered.
"Yeah! And our Uncle James and Aunty Salma built a fancy house too in Windenburg! Theirs is a lot more fancy and modern whatever that means." Indie added thoughtfully.
We talked for a bit longer than started playing on the tablets together until our mums came for lunchtime.

"So i See you've met the twins then Lia." Said mum, we had gone to a small cafe nearby with Emily and the twins. "Do you like playing with them?"
"Yes Mummy! We had so much fun! Can we do it again later?" I asked while eating chips and nuggets.
"Sure, we only need to be there for a bit longer than we can go home." She said wiping off some of the sauce that had gotten onto my face.
"Actually Miranda, me and Taylor talked earlier and we wanted to ask if you fancied coming over to our place for the night since it's closer and you don't have to get the bus to work tomorrow. We have plenty of room and it gives the girls a chance to get to know each other more." Emily said eating her Caesar salad. Turns out her and Mum are really close friends, Mum's gone to her house a few times but I've never gone. Instead I stay with Faith but I like Faith so I never mind.
"Ok, is that alright Lia?"
"Yes Mummy, thank you Emily. Also who is Taylor?" I asked her, I had heard the name a couple of times but I have no idea who he is.
"He's our Daddy! He works in the Parmesan!" Said Indie happily eating her own bowl of chips, the adults burst out laughing.
"What's so funny?" She said looking a little sad, I reached over and gave her a hug saying "it's alright." and she seemed to cheer up a bit.
"Parliament," Corrected Emily still smiling. "And he's my Husband." She said to me.
"Ok, I don't have a Dad so it'll be nice to meet him!" I said excitedly, we finished eating and after paying for our meal walked back to Work. Mum and Emily we're walking in front of us chatting about their jobs, leaving me to chat with the twins a bit more.
"Why don't you have a Dad? That's so sad!" asked Violet, the truth was, I didn't really know the full story so I started to say what I knew.
"Well, when I was little I remember hearing lots of yelling which was keeping me awake at night in my little bed. I also remember Mummy yelling "GET OUT!" and a door slam-" I began, unfortunately I was interrupted.
"I thinks that's enough Lia! You know how I feel about your father!" Mum said a bit angrily, I sure did.
"Sorry Mummy, I'll try not to talk about him again." I said quietly, Indie and Vi looked at each other but we kept walking as if nothing had happened.
When we got back Emily escorted us to the playroom again, "remember, we're right down the hall if you need us." She reminded us before closing the door open, leaving it a tiny bit open so we could get out if we needed to.
"Sorry about Mummy, she gets mad whenever I talk about my Dad..." I said quietly again to the twins as we walked over to the tablets to continue our game.
"It's ok Lia, you don't have to." Said Vi
"Let's talk about something else! What are we gonna do tonight? We have all night to play and talk! You can meet Aunty Jessy and Aunty Roxy, our Daddy and Frankie! It's gonna be so much fun!" Indie was so excited she started dancing, Violet smiled and started dancing too. I was a bit confused at first but then they explained that they love dancing together and I thought it was cute. They asked me to join and I refused a first, but both of them grabbed my arms and pulled me up onto my feet. I explained I didn't really know how to dance but they said it doesn't matter.
"Just give it a try-"
"You'll love it!" Finished Indie.
"Ok, I guess..." I wasn't confident but they showed me some simple moves and soon we were running and dancing around the room, squealing and laughing together. It was the most fun I've ever had, the lecture from Emily afterwards wasn't so fun. Apparently we were "too loud and disruptive" whatever that means. I didn't care though.
Because in that single day, I made two best friends I knew I'd keep for a long time, and I planned to keep it that way.

And that is the end of the first chapter of my new book. Let me know what you think and I might get another chapter up soon! I do plan to continue this book for awhile so hope you like it!
Thanks for reading (if anyone even is) until next time

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