Chapter 20 | Discussions of the past

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"What a legacy they have!" the Prince yelled out of rage. He couldn't think about it, he couldn't rest while they were there, breathing the air and showing off with their pretty, expensive clothes. "But tragedy has hit their family! Too bad innocents died for crimes they did not commit!"

"What are you talking about, My Prince?" Daemon asked out of curiosity. He was very little when those things had happened and he remembered nothing. Back then, he was a baby, maybe an infant, he couldn't say accurately.

"Joanna Lannister, the tragic death she had to have for the crimes her husband would commit years later! His imp son, his mad grandson..." Oberyn enumerated. Seeing Tywin Lannister's disgrace was the only joyful thing he could find in all that tragedy. Watching as he suffered from the losses of his loved ones and the curses from the Gods were the only things that brought Oberyn joy when he thought about the Sack of King's Landing.

Watching the Lannisters crashing to the ground slowly, stone by stone, one would fall and then others would follow, bit by bit. His family name and the legacy he talked about so eagerly was falling to the dust and that made Oberyn smile out of pleasure. Not even hundreds of lying whores could give him such joyful satisfaction, not even close.

He pitied the innocents in that family that had to die as punishment to others. He knew how to distinguish those who played a part in the crimes that had taken place in King's Landing years ago, from those who just happened to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

However, the joy he felt as he watched them fall slowly was also filled with another feeling... he couldn't be satiated enough with it. He wasn't absolutely satisfied. Because he had to do another thing – kill those who played a part in Elia's murder.

When the day where he would stand there, watching the corpses of those who played a part in his sister's murder... those rapists and assassins... as a result of the torture they had been put through – in his hands and also in the Gods' – came, he would be able to rest in peace for the rest of his life, given the fact that the debt would be paid at last.

"Have you ever heard of Cecilia Lannister before?" Oberyn asked curiously as he agitated his cup of wine. His squire shook his head negatively, earning a sarcastic giggle from the Prince. "I should know. Most people never heard of her. Tywin Lannister made sure he would keep it a secret and make everybody silent about her. No one should mention her name, her existence, her appearance... nothing! And because people feared him, they didn't. But I don't fear Tywin Lannister"

"Who was she?" Daemon asked interested in the girl. In his eyes, there should be a reason as to why the Old Lion would want to keep her a secret. Perhaps she was a deformed daughter of his or something of the sort.

"Cecilia Lannister was a girl born to Tywin Lannister and Joanna Lannister right after they were wed. She was their eldest daughter, just as beautiful as her mother, but far kinder, which was something remarkable" he explained with some nostalgy as he tried to picture the girl in his head, but it had been so long ago that he couldn't quite create it in his mind. "My mother, the late Princess of Dorne, was a great friend of Joanna Lannister. There was talk of joining both our Houses, but that never really came to good port. Nevertheless, I did meet the Lannister lioness"

"How was she?" the squire indagated, wanting to learn much more about her. Oberyn smirked when realising Daemon's interest in the girl who was all but dead.

"A Lannister" he stated vaguely as if he tried to recall the day he had met her, which was what he was actually trying to do. It had been a long time ago, but somehow, it still felt like the day before. Even though it was hard for him to find and access those memories, it was also very joyful to do so. "The first time I met her, we were both very young. She was older than me, the same age my sister Elia was. They had been born a few weeks after the other. However, no one would say so. I towered her in height and in appearance. I was turning into a man, while she was a little angel. Her blonde curls that reached the end of her back, her pale skin that looked like porcelain, her deep green eyes that would make any man get lost in that immensity. People went on and on about who was the most beautiful woman in the Seven Kingdoms. Many said it was her sister, Cersei, others said it was one of the Tully girls, Lilia's mother, others said that it was the infamous Lyanna Stark, others stated that Ashara Dayne had no possible competition. However, in my eyes, no one could ever overcome Cecilia Lannister's beauty"

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