I'm going slightly mad

Start from the beginning

My parents immediately got up and walked to her

*Diane's POV*

As soon as I walked in I saw Brian's parents walking towards me. I tried to smile, his mother hugged me tight

"It's nice to see you again darling" she smiled

"It's nice to see you too" I said

I looked at Brian's dad giving me a serious look. I noticed that Brian got his looks from him

I didn't know what to do and I was honestly a little freaked out because I thought he would hate me

His lips formed the biggest smile ever as he pulled me into a hug

"I'm so happy that I finally got to meet you Diane!" He said

"The feeling is mutual Mr May!" I said

Where did that smart talk came from? Did I just try to impress his parents?

Brian walked next to me and put his arm around my waist, I looked up at him and I smiled

"Oops, I almost forgot! I have a present for you and the girls" Brian's mom said

I already knew what it was but I didn't want to ruin the surprise

"I'll go bring the girls" I said

I excused myself and walked to their room and brought them back to the living room

When Brian saw me he quickly got up and grabbed Erica from my arm. We sat on the couch and waited for the big surprise

Mrs May walked in the room holding a baby kitten. Nicole put her hands up and tried to reach the kitten while Erica was not amused at all, she preferred the cat we already had. Brian started petting it almost immediately.

A feeling of happiness took over and took the place of the sadness I had before. I got up and hugged his parents

"Thank you so much" I said

"I think you had something to do with this" Brian said and looked at me

"Does it matter?" I said

"No" he smiled

Out of nowhere both Erica and Nicole started crying

"They must be hungry, I'll handle it" I said and picked them up and walked to their room. I left the door half open and I could hear Brian and his parents talking

*Brian's POV*

"And how old is she?" My dad asked

"She will turn 21 in a couple of months" I said

"She's so mature for her age!" My mom said "Don't screw this up!" She gave me a serious look

"Watch your language darling" my dad said to her "But she's right, don't screw this up!" He said

"I won't screw this up, I really love her!" I said

*Diane's POV*

I heard everything they said and I sighed at what Brian said. I'm still not over what happened.

The minute the girls fell asleep I felt really sick. Without hesitation I run to the bathroom and threw up

"Is everything okay love?" I heard Brian asking from downstairs

"Yes.." I said

I brushed my teeth and washed my face and went back to the living room

After two hours Brian's parents had to go. We said our goodbyes and they left.

"I'm going to go lay down.." I said

"I'll go check on the girls" he said

I nodded and I started walking up the stairs

"Diane?" Brian said

I turned around and looked at him

"Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked

"Nothing that matters" I said "my father told you didn't he?" I asked

"Yes he did.. I'm sorry.." he said

"It's okay!" I walked back to him and I kissed his cheek

I walked up the stairs and Brian run behind me. He grabbed me and kissed me

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" I said

He bit his lip and kept looking at me

"What?" I asked

He picked me up and carried me in the bedroom and kicked the door shut behind him...

*Roger's POV*

"Did you hear the good news? Brian and Diane are back together" Freddie said

"No one cares!" I said

"Umm, you care Rog!" John said

I threw my drumstick right at them "Shut up!" I said

"Sorry.." John said "But it's true, you care, you thought they would break up!" He said

"You don't know anything!" I got up and left from the studio

*Diane's POV*

I heard the girls crying from the other room

I placed the sheet around me and Brian stopped me from getting up

"I'll take care of them!" He said and he got up

"Don't you forget something?" I asked

"What?" He asked

I giggled and pointed at his clothes on the floor

He quickly got dressed and run to check on the girls

I closed my eyes and I ended up falling asleep

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