The Coven [Normily fanfic]

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We leave in a supernatural world. A world where extraordinary beings and amazing mysterious creatures lives.

The same world where Good and Bad, Dark and Light collides.

I am a Caster. We have different types of powers. Could be telepathic, kinetic, phasic, feral, elemental and many more. Lots of variations and mixtures. That what's make our kind dominant in this world.

I belong to the elemental type of Caster. There are many who can create and manipulate electricity, storm, illumination, etc. But there are only 4 families that can create and manipulate the 4 basic elements of fire, wind, water and earth. The members of these families are called Sang're and these four families together formed The Coven.

Sang're, in French, Sang'real which means Royal blood. These powerful families are the Corvins, Dragomirs, Salvatores and Morgensterns. Each family has one descendant, carrying the infamous gem of elements each that keeps the balance of this world. The gender for each generation of descendants  alternates and a female Sang're keeps their family name even if they are wed. This is the time of the female generation, this is our time. My name is Emily, others call me Emmy or Em. Well, my full name? I am Emilia Dragomir, Sang're of Water.


*Emily's POV

Hanging out over the hill near the castle with my guitar and notebook, its an ordinary beautiful day to just enjoy the sun in Sang'real, the capital city of Talamasca, and just look out to the horizon. Talamasca is the largest Caster country located at the heart of Europe. Our world lies beyond the ordinary. Humans can't cross and so can't we.

Our world almost looks like the human world, same historic building and modern buildings, same cloths (in a way) and almost the same food. But its more serene and there are mythical creatures and supernatural beings walking casually around the city. Unless they make a mistake of making trouble for the other peacefully living creatures, the government takes care of them.

The government is led by a Prime Minister with his own congress. If the gravity of the matter is very extensive and catastrophic, the Coven interferes.

"Just as we thought..." Lauren sigh behind me, and turning around I see Lily and Alex in tow with smiles plastered on their faces.

These are my sisters Lauren Corvin, Lilian Morgenstern and Alexandra Salvatore. We're not biological but we are sisters in everyway. To others, we are the descendants of the four Royal families of Caster. But for the four of us,we are the guardians of the gems. A very heavy task we have to carry as long as we need to will the gem to the next generation.

"I'm looking for an inspiration..." I answered smiling as they sat down on the grassy hill.

"Don't tell me this song is about a grassy hill top outlooking Sang'real?" Lily joked, chuckling at her own remark.

"Smart ass..." I mumbled nudging her outstretched foot beside me, earning snickers from them, "I'm actually thinking where to find an inspiration."

"How about you start with a person?" Alex suggested, beaming a knowing smile at me that got me confuse.

"What..?" I look between Lauren and Lily already suspicious about the looks their giving me.

"You should start dating... You're 25 and breath-takingly beautiful... You have tons of admirers," Lily exclaims, gesturing with her right hand as she speaks while she leans backward on her left hand. Here come the pestering again, so I look at Lauren for help.

"Hate to admit, Em... but I support dating now..." Lauren playfully adds on. I groan, ofcourse she does, she had finally started dating a month ago but the rest of the Coven doesn't know about it yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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