Chapter 2

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Luna's POV
Sorry for such an abrupt ending yeserday. I wasn't quite ready for that release of information, either.

Twilight has been my marefriend for about four months now. I love her dearly, but something tells me she's not the one for me. I just have this feeling in my gut whenever she hugs me, and sometimes it overpowers me and I can't even act like I'm in love with her; even though I am. I think she notices, but she's never said anything, and she's always happy around me unless something other has upset her.
I don't want to hurt her.
But what if it's not fate?
These questions keep me up at night, wondering if I'm making a mistake here. Twilight can be extremely sensitive, and know if I leave without her consent I will shatter her.

I don't know. I guess I should let it alone for now.

I hear a whistle of wind; and Parthus lands beside me. He chuffs, sensing my sadness.
He's grown quite large now, a quite bit taller than me, and much longer in length.
Parthus doesn't have wings,but he can still fly. He has some magical ability, though I don't know how he inherited it. He loves to fly, and usually goes out for a flight right after I raise the moon.
It's little times like this that I get to spend with Parthus, because my days are so busy now that I barely have time for him. I know he understands, but I also know he wishes I wasn't busy as often. I'm on the same wavelength when it comes to that, I need a break.
The night usually ends with me grooming Parthus's fur, or us talking quietly. He has a heavy, ancient like voice now, different from when he was younger. 
I think I like it better this way, though.
I usually fall asleep laying against his side or flopped on top of him.
There's a little place right between his shoulder blades on his back that is very soft. I love to sleep there when he's willing to comply, which is almost always.
I don't think I could live without Parthus.

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