Well... That was unexpected

Start from the beginning

The room heard a chuckle from Neds laptop.

"Hah that's funny I can hear voices in my head now."

"Peter? Peter?! It's me Ned. I'm with the Avengers. Can you talk to us?"

"Haha now your saying that your Ned. Hah nice try. I've always thought of Nat being like my mum. Kinda like a spider mama and then Bucky would be like my dad. I don't know why though but he seems familiar, like I've seen them before I became Spider-Man."

"Who are you talking to? Get up"

Ned pulled the video up to the screen in the room.
It showed Peter getting pulled into a room. A room with a small table with scalpels, knives and a metal arm.

"Now we are gonna make you like your dad"

"Hah dead then"

"Oh so you don't know do you? Hah"

"Know what?"

"Your parents are the Black Widow and the Winter Soldier. You were born for HYDRA and you will stay with HYDRA till you die."

By then the man had strapped Peter into the chair and got a knife. He started cutting through his left arm.

Bucky and Natasha didn't even bother to look at the screen. That was their child who was having the same fate as them.

The man had finished cutting through Peters arm and went to get the arm. Natasha and Bucky had enough.

"Ned. Can you track where he is?"

"Uhh yeah yeah just give me a minute."

Exactly 58 seconds later Ned had found Peters location.

"Me and Nat are going to get him. I don't care what you say Stark. You may be his legal guardian but we are his parents. You can bug us if you want but we are going."

"Ok just go. Just make sure to have your comms in."

"Will do Stark."

++in the quin jet++

"Did-did you remember that you were Petes dad? Or did the video shock something?"

"No I- i uh knew from the minute I met him. I remembered what happened. To you. And what was gonna happen to him and I didn't want to remember"

"I get it"

Natasha and Bucky eventually got to the base and put their comms in.

"Stark, we're in."

Natasha and Bucky made their way to the room where HYDRA was holding Peter and seen him strapped in looking like a bloody mess. There was blood all over his face and body and there was a gleam from his left arm.

They entered the room and killed the guy who was in there.
They then made their way over to Peter and got him out.

"Pete? Hey Pete? Can you hear us? It's Nat and Bucky. Your mum and dad."

"Are you guys actually my parents? Or is it just a trick?"

"Yeah. We are your parents Pete. But we got out before you were born but we put you into an orphanage and I guess your other mum and dad adopted you."
Nat said.

"O-ok. Can-can we go home now?"

"Yeah. We can."

They got out of their with Bucky carrying Peter bridal style and into the quin jet.

They got to the tower in under 20 minutes and into the med-bay where Bruce checked him out.

"You seem to be fine but you needs food and sleep. The marks will scar I'm afraid but your arm where the guy cut off is healing so once that is healed you can go to Wakanda to get a new arm like Bucky's."

"Cool. I get a Vibranium arm."

"Also your class is here"


++with the class++

"Is Peter fine? Is he coming here? Will we see him again?"

"I'm fine, yes I'm coming here and yes you will see me again"

The class screamed when they heard him.

He looked slightly better than when Nat and Bucky found him but he couldn't walk without falling so he was leaning on Bucky.

"Hey Loser. Glad your back. I don't want to be stuck with Nerd for any longer"

"Thanks MJ"


So that story is finished now. Finally. It took me like years to finish that but I have a field trip to Wakanda in the works so look out for that.
I might not be updating as school is back on now so please send any requests that you want done. I also have an idea that I got from a dream so it might be strange and it would also have characters that I have created so that the people in it don't get exposed or anything like that.


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