3. Caving || James Sirius Potter

Start from the beginning

Seeing the place twice as spacious than my previous working area, I grinned and my eyes instantly fell to the mahogany desk at the far end of the room. Approaching the desk, I saw all the items on the list lined up on its surface along with the tomes I was in charge of stored in the shelf beside it. Pulling out the chair, I sunk into the soft cushion and turned to James.

"Did you do this?" I asked, gesturing to the organized area. Usually, we would be provided with only a desk and a chair to do our inspections; I highly doubt the Ministry would take some time to provide us with a cozy working area.

"I did," he said, and drew closer, his footsteps echoing in the quiet room, "Do you like it?"

I nodded. "I do, thank you."

"You know," he said as he leaned against the desk, propping his hands on the edge, "I could tell you all about how we rediscovered the Room of Requirement but I think I'll just cut to the chase-"

I pursed my lips, heart clenching. "James, we've already talked about this," I interrupted, already knowing where this conversation would lead to.

"I know we have, but did you ever take time to think about it? It's just one date, Landon — you'll never know where it might take us," he said and wiggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. I scoffed and he continued, "Later today after you're finished with all that, we could go for a quick meal. I know a great place down in Diagon Alley if you want-"

"I don't think so," I said dismissively, eyeing the artifacts on my desk-a few glowing bottles and a handful's worth of jewels. "I think I'd be quite preoccupied for the day."

He laughed once and picked up a dull piece of what I'd assume was a diamond. "Hardworking as always, Landon. What could possibly change your mind?"

"About you?"

He hummed and nodded, spinning the rock between his fingers. I licked my lips, a weight settling itself in my chest the same way every time I had this conversation with him. I got to my feet.

"James, we both know what happened during Hogwarts, and I really don't think starting over is a good idea. We're great together, but just not that way." I released a breath and reached out for his hand, gently plucking out the stone from his fingers and placed it alongside the rest of the jewels.

"Well I'll have you know those were the best years of my life."

I looked up at him and he switched his features to form a pout. I chuckled, ignoring the way my heart jumped, and pushed him away by the shoulder. "Don't you have some papers to run or something?" I said, hoping to drive his attention away from our previous conversation.

"Just a few," he muttered, looking at his wristwatch. "I better get going."

With a pat on my head and a soft smile, he walked away. I released a heavy breath once the door clicked shut and I ran a hand through my hair.

Why does he have to make it so difficult?

.   .   .

Entering my work room at 8:30 in the morning, I most certainly did not expect the snoring figure slumped in my chair with his feet up the desk, an open book slapped on his chest. I sighed.

I gently closed the door behind me, making sure to be as quiet as possible. The door made a small 'click' when it locked, and it was enough to set his Auror reflexes into action. James looked frantically around the area, his eyes brightening when they settled on me.

"Good morning, Landon," he rasped.

I licked my lips, pushing down the resurfacing memories in my head and I acknowledged him with a nod. "What are you doing here?" I asked him, shrugging off my coat as I made my way towards the desk. I noticed the bottles and jewels I studied last night were gone from the table and instead were lined up on the shelf by it. The books were cluttered across the table's surface and I cocked my head at the mess, James scrambling to reorganize them.

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