Sometimes whats real is something you can't see.

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A/n: you know what I find so funny? Every so often someone will comment something like "eeww" or "cringe" or "nah I pick light" but like??? If you don't like L, why the fuck are you reading a book about him hmm?? 😏. You're lying to yourself hunny. Just admit you're into emo guys already.

Hc: Kira wins, forcing you, L and your child into hiding for the rest of your lives.

Somber, that's how you could describe the world at the moment. A world that's sunken into despair, one run by the corrupt god known as Kira. One where you couldn't exist if you opposed him. Once it was clear there was no stopping Light, L took you, your child and ran, far far away from the madman known as Light Yagami.

Crossing halfway around the world in a desperate attempt to keep you all alive. It had barely been a year, and the world has sunk deep into a cult like wasteland where people dropped dead left right and centre, worshipers chanting Kira propaganda all over the place. The taskforce tried to convince L to keep fighting, but when they saw the sight of him giving them a sorrowful look, holding his terrified child in his arms as you frantically took all the bags you had and checked them into the flight... that's when they knew it was all over. The worlds greatest detective, who had a massive bounty on his head has a wife and child to protect and Kira was just too powerful. They knew that it was pointless to keep fighting, and take their families and hide too.

So you had hidden yourselves away, on a small property in England, miles away from any major city and surrounded by land meant for farm animals. It was... peaceful in a way. Lots of room for your child to play, they would grow up in the outdoors this way. But it was still scary living under the law of Kira. Because of this, you couldn't put the same name on a single record, and under no circumstances, ever tell your real names to every one, keep a mask in your pockets as to to not reveal your face to anyone ever and stay well hidden. Light was after L and his family, at the first chance of finding you, he'd strike.

There was one way L was able to keep up with things without leaving traces though, the deep web. No, not the dark web, no creepy illegal websites or anything just using IP address hiders to jump through hidden records. He kept close eye on the taskforce, close eye on wammys house, and especially close eye on the worlds governments who had all fallen to Kira. As much as he wanted to put a stop to all this, it was clear the only way would be to take out Light by hand, but he didn't want to rick being anywhere near him, risking the lives of you and your child.

Going into cities to buy things was especially creepy as around every corner there was some kind of Kira riot, or some stupid Kira propaganda. So you stayed far out of the way of those things.

L knew Light was looking for him, he had to find a way to take him out from a distance. This was the time he knew that the only way out was the death of the criminal, jail time wouldn't work, it had to be death.

He sat on the windowsill, looking out at the night sky trying to think of a way to stop everything without risking his family, but it was hard.


He snapped out of his daze, turning to see his 3 year old son looking up at him.

"What are you doing awake so late?" He asked, reaching out to pick up the small child.

"I couldn't sleep"

"Shhh, you'll wake mummy. And, yeah I'm not surprised, you get that from me"

The detective sat his son in his lap, the boy leaning against his fathers chest.

"Whenever you look out the window you're thinking, you've been thinking a lot" (s/n) said.

"I have"

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now