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ok so i really wanna thank you these people. they r the ones that inspired me to write and become an author

I wanna thank you __Purple_Fluffball__  for inspiring me to make my first book

undershiptale for giving me ideas and inspiring me to make my evil star sanses book

Caitlyn_CC  for entertaining me so much with their awesome books

demithefandomgirl2 for giving me so much ideas and for helping me improve my creativity and imagination

glaslaix for being my best friend

BubblyShip for my inspiration of doing digital art

LhadyMae0327 for inspiring me on making my first high school book

FandomTrash1145 for being a good friend

Kawai_Cactus for being such a good listener and giving me good advice i need in my life

Thank you those who I mentioned here! I love all of you so much! All of you readers think of who inspired you to write stories (if your have some)

I love all authors and readers part of the Undertale Community! Thank you all :)

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