Chapter 2

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The fresh morning air filled the woods as Toby woke up. After last night Toby knew he had to see her in person at least once. He had to, the weird feeling in his stomach kept telling him to go. It was undescribable.

Whenever Toby thought about (Y/N) his heart speeds up, his hands sweat and he feels the breath in his lungs leave his body. But Toby concluded that it was just his curiosity getting the better of him.

He walked out of his room and went towards the kitchen downstairs of the mansion. Living with a whole bunch of people who did the same horrific people that you do, you would think that maybe everyone would get along.

"Heeey look it's T-t-ticci Toby! Tell me the time Tick Tock," Jeff taunted as he walked in.

It took a lot out of Toby not to say anything back to him. He subconsciously rubbed his side where the knife scar was.

When Toby first arrived at the mansion it was the day Toby learned it didn't mattered where he was, everyone always seemed to find picking on him fun. It's just here that finally settled in his mind, it was people who he considers his equals.

"Heyo Tobster, is it true that you got that babe of a cop to take down?" BEN asked him from the living room.

Toby felt anger bubble inside of him. How dare that glitch talk to you like if you were some common girl. He tried his best to not explode all over him, it was just a passing saying. No matter how much it bother Toby.

"Y-y-yeah I d-did," he stuttered out. BEN wolfed whisted low-key. But Toby heard. His mind was so clouded with hate in that moment he almost missed what Jeff said.

"But it doesn't matter, she's never as beautiful as me," he bragged. Toby let it slide that he said that about (Y/N). It didn't matter to him that Jeff insulted her because it only mattered to him that he doesn't want her.

'why should I care, she doesn't have much time left' Toby thought to himself

"i-i-i'm going o-out for a bit," Toby told them as he shut the door. He didn't need to hear anything else about (Y/N).

He walked down the pathway taking off his goggles and his mouth guard, stuffing them inside his pocket as he walked. He let his hood down as he saw the main walking path towards the town. This small town was near the city, where (Y/N) both lived and work. Although he wasn't ready to get rid of her just yet. Toby wanted to see her at least once in person. Not from afar like last night but up close.

He had this urge to see her face at least once. To hear her voice before blood shed happened.

However, Toby wanted to make a good impression on her. He wanted to make her think he was worth talking to. Toby just can't walk up towards (Y/N). He wasn't presentable.

So after walking a good distance Toby finally made it towards his goal. A small clothing shop for men.

He walked inside to get a couple of outfits, since he was going to talk to (Y/N) he needed to look like he was normal. A dirty hoodie just wasn't worth it.

Toby, after probably 20ish minutes, finally found a few good outfits and a pair of shoes. He also decided to grab a backpack to carry it all in. Then after paying the cashier with money he stole from Masky, he walked out with his new goods.


(Y/N) rushed around the main office of the police station with more paper in her hand that she could manage. Her mind was clouded as the cheif presented more suspects into the case and she just couldn't keep up. Working since 6 am was finally taking a toll on her now that it's 1 in the afternoon.

"Just keep calm lunch is in 30 minutes," (Y/N) turned to the voice. One of her good friends on the forced smirked at her. (Y/N) just smiled back awkwardly, since she knew that May could read her like a book.

"Can't help it, it's a tiring case," (Y/N) responded back

They both chatted really quick before (Y/N) had to leave to turn in her paperwork.


Toby stared at himself in the mirror of some random person's apartment. He managed to break inside with no problem and decided to shower and change. However Toby suddenly felt the insecurities return to himself. Maybe it was his hair? Or was just him?

Whatever the case may be, he needed to get out of the apartment. So after sneaking out, thank God it was behind an abandoned building or else he would have been caught, he proceeded to wonder down the streets of the large city. His plan was simple, he knew basic information from his boss that (Y/N) liked to go to a small cafe on Thursdays to have lunch around 1:30, he planned to just watch her from a far. Just to study her behavior.

Nothing more nothing less.

When Toby arrived he just expected things to be like that, he even arrived extra early to make himself not as suspicious. He order a simple sandwich with a drink and sat himself in a corner to not make himself known.

Toby waited for his food, messing with the collar of his white button up and his messy brown hair fell into his eyes. Was this even a good idea? To watch the very same person who's trying to take him into the slammer? He's never done this before with other cops so what's so special about her?

With all the thoughts circling around him Toby failed to realize that (Y/N) walked in without her uniform, smiling brightly at everyone.


(Y/N) was ordering her food like any other Thursday when she noticed her usual stop was taken by a guy she's never seen.

(Y/N) was confused on what to do next. It wasn't like she wanted to sit somewhere else and it's not like she isn't social.

'Well what harm is there to share,' she thought with a small smile.

(Y/N) walked over to the man who seemed to be lost in thought. She smiled softly as she tapped the table. In an almost instant he slowly looked up to see her, and as if time stopped he just stared.

"Hey, I'm sorry to disturb," she started "but would you mind if I joined you for lunch today?"

How Far Will You Go? (Yandere Ticci Toby X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now