They Don't Love Me

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Peter Parker walked into the Living Room, and everything went quiet.
"Do you have something to tell us, Spidey?" Nat asked. Peter hadn't told the Avengers-bar Tony- about his real identity.
"Um- you guys wanna know who I am, right?" Peter already knew that they did. He ripped off his mask. "My name is Peter Parker and I am 16 years old."
"What! You are so scrawny!" Clint laughed.
End Flashback
That's when the bullying started. It was rarely physical, but it always hurt Peter. The only people who didn't make fun of Peter were Rhodey, Loki, and Bucky. Even his father figure, Tony, started calling him weak.
Peter walked through the Living Room and into the kitchen to grab a snack. Unfortunately, that's where everyone was.
"Hey, SpiderBoy!" Sam called. Peter just ignored him.
"Hey, squirt, don't ignore us. You're weak and useless." Tony said. Peter felt tears well up, but he shoved them away.
"Yes sir." He murmured. He grabbed his snack and started walking, but Nat grabbed his wrist.
"Don't leave, piece of crap." Nat gave a creepy smile. Then, Bucky walked in.
"Uncle Bucky! Hi! Can I... um... talk to you?" Peter asked.
"Of course, Petey."
"Thanks." I say, and we walk up to my room. "The bullying has been getting worse, at school and at home. I- I just can't handle it, Uncle Bucky. God, I should just live with May. She doesn't hate me, at least." I start crying.
"Aww, Petey. It's ok. I love you, ok? That's all that matters. And if you want, I can go beat up Flash for ya." Bucky says, hugging the fragile boy. "Go to sleep, Petey. I'll be back in a sec." Bucky says, then walks out of the room, his fists clenched.
"Listen up, little shits. Ya know Peter, the boy you guys have been bullying for 4 months? He's also bullied in school. He comes home everyday with a black eye, a bloody nose, a broken rib, and a concussion, and then he comes home to you guys calling him worthless, weak, rude, scrawny, dumb, stupid, useless, piece of crap. That boy over there is contemplating leaving his idols. He was so excited to move here, with his idols, and now you guys are treating him like dirt at the bottom of your shoe. Tony, that boy was like your son. Keyword: Was. Now, just earlier, you called him weak and useless. Tony, that boy loves you and he has for years. He idolizes you. He still does, I don't know why but he does. Guys, all Peter wants is a father figure. His father AND uncle died. So did his mom. And then, when he finally has a full family, you guys gotta start verbally abusing him, and sometimes physically abusing him. How would you feel, if the people you had loved from the time you were 4, started hating you. Peter is 16 years old. He doesn't deserve this. He became Spider-Man, but it wasn't. His. Fault. He was bitten by a radioactive spider. It wasn't his fucking fault. So you guys need to stop or I'll make you. Because that kid over there, that beautiful, broken, kid, is hurting and I refuse to let you guys break him anymore. Now you guys have 15 minutes to apologize to him before I'm literally gonna kill you. Mkay? Mkay. Meeting adorned. Bucky Barnes signing out. Oh, and don't call me Bucky til you apologize to Peter. Bye." Bucky ranted.
"Language..." Steve muttered, in shock.
"Steve Rogers. This is so not the time dumbass." Tony said with a strained voice. He lost the kid. His kid. "Shit I gotta go fix this." The man ran upstairs, only to find Peter on the phone with... Ted? Bed?
"Ned, I just don't know. May's fucking gone now, and I just- I can't stay here. The only reason I stay is cuz of Bucky. Everywhere I go I get bullied. Here. School. Two places that I used to love, but some jerks just decided to show up and ruin it. Ned, I am not okay and I know that. But I don't know how to fix it. Like, I have friends. I have you, MJ, Shuri, Wade, Loki, and Bucky. But is that enough? Like I'm not trying to sound rude or anything, but 6 friends? That seems kinda... I don't know, not healthy for a 17-year-old? Also, one lives on a different planet and one lives on the other side of the world. And, THEY FORGOT MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN A ROW. I got a happy birthday from you, Buck, MJ, Loki, Shuri, and Wade, but out of everyone else who's here, and there are a lot, not one person remembered. Not even Rhodey, who's one of the ones who actually likes me. Is it cuz I'm a burden? I clean up after myself, I make sure to eat as little as possible- I haven't eaten in 2 weeks-, I clean up every hair in the shower, I wash all the clothes. Yet it never. Seems. To. Be. Enough. It just seems to be a lot to handle for a 17-year old. And May just died today. She flat-lined right in front of me. Flash is gonna bully me about it for weeks! Telling me that I'm an orphan and I have no family and shit. I do have a family. You, Shuri, MJ, Loki, Wade and Bucky. But I just- I can't Ned. And- aw fuck, I gotta go. Cya Ned." Peter rants to his best friend. Then he sees Tony Stark. "H-hey Mister Stark. Before you say anything, please, just. I can't handle anymore abuse right now. Come at me tomorrow." The now 17 year old says sadly, almost begging. Tony walked towards the kid and hugged him. Peter flinched and Tony noticed.
"I'm so so sorry Peter. I wasn't in the right mindset, and I- I'm so disappointed in myself. And, happy birthday kiddo. I love you, and it's ok if you don't say it back, I just want you to know-"
"I love you too, Mister Stark. I missed ya." The younger boy gave his mentor a hug.
"Thanks, kid. Now, lets go watch a movie."
"Bambino, do you really wanna cry again?"
"Not really but I wanna watch it again so let's goooo" Peter said, bouncing on the balls of his toes. He did the puppy-dog eyes with his wide, brown, doe eyes.
"Alright, alright." Tony escorted the kid downstairs, where everybody hugged him and said their sorry's.
"It's fine guys, but if you ever do it again, I'm moving out." Peter says in a joking way but he's not really joking. They all bunch into the living room to watch Revengers, Endgame. Everyone cries, and by the end, Tony and Peter are curled up next to each other, cuddling.

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