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Mina is inside the cafe shop early in the morning writing her notes for her upcoming subjects in her class. While she was writing something she heard a little squeak coming from a chair that has been moved beside her, she lifted up her face and saw nothing but a cute mint green colored envelope placed in her table alongside with her pens and notebooks.

Due to curiousity she quickly put her things down and picked up the envelope, she opened it and saw a vintage style paper with writings on it. She get the paper out of the envelope and quickly read what's written on it.

You froze me in place the first time I saw you,
My feelings are deep and my soul full of many passions.
Why do I feel so strangely after one glance?

All those stories about love at first sight. Maybe my mom was right.
Your smile was warm and reached from ear to ear.

The vibrations of your surrounding energy engulf me.
I can see and feel the essence of who you are.

I want more but I am afraid, I know everything will be alright because I already love you.

-Smolberry 🍓

Mina couldn't believe in what she just have read, all the emotions flushed to her cheeks allowing it to become red. Its the first time that someone confessed to her in this kind of way, a cute way. She timidly smile and put the paper back in the envelope and back to her bag. She scanned the whole cafe and found no one, she sighed and just continued her work.

Whoever you are, I'm looking forward to your next approach.

Little did she know someone in the counter is looking at her smiling at her small and cute response towards the letter. The person grew satisfied and motivated in writing more for her love.



Heyo smols! I'm back for MiChaeng and I hope you will support my 2 new stories. Thank you very much!

Love y'all! 💙

Words To Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें