*NOT A ONESHOT* Ragefest Shenanigans

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so my clown ass went to Rage Fest on 8/4/19 :)) (I'm next to Brandon and Andy and surprisingly I didn't die on the spot) and some clown shit happened.

•I stole a poster off the bathroom wall, brought it to the signing and when Brandon asked me where I got it, I told him and he was like "tAkE hEr To JaIl!"

•to add on to that, andy asked me if I've ever been to jail before and I was like "not yet" and he was like "surprisingly same" and I was like "if I ever go to prison for the first time hopefully we go together" and he seemed chill with it lmao

•I forgot town community days were a local thing where I live and I was talking ab how we had ours the day before and he was like "oh for pokemon go??" and I was like "no..but also yes because that's a thing" and that's when I learned taddie was on team valor and I was slightly disappointed

•brandon couldn't get my filters to work and that's how I got my avi of brandon with the hearts around him

•Andy Leo in general basically

•some guy in the balcony was going ham to every band and quite frankly I hope he's doing okay bc he was a cool dude

•some venue worker was also going ham to gideon and got his sweat on me #iconic

•I had a cami on and I threw it during attila's set and fronz indirectly called me a grandma...then we got a picture like 2 hours later lol

•fronz lost one of his bras he earned and it was chillin in the side door hallway and everyone kinda just..shrugged as they passed by it. In fact I'm pretty sure one of the dudes from gideon passed by it and was like "not mine"

•andy randomly started coughing during the millennia acoustic of all songs

•there was a circle of people swinging their arms singing millenia and they were the coolest people ever. I wish I got video of it tbh

Also I just sent my friend this gem:
"I want andy to break and enter my home and kith me on the forehead, then I want him to say 'I kith you on the forehead better stop playin'".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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