Moving in

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Your POV

I was laying my head on my older sister Coralines shoulder as she stared out the window into nothingness. After god knows how long I look up and see a sign that says "Pink Palace." "We're here time to muscle up!" Our mom says.

I grab a box and walk up the stairs until I find a room that I like. Eventually I found a room that had 2 windows side by side that would give off lots of sun light, so I put my box down and walked back outside to grab another.

As I'm walking back inside I see my mother give the movers a dollar then shut the door. I wait till they leave before continuing inside. As I get in I see Coraline rushing towards the door so I move out of the way as she runs out yelling "I'm going out!" I quickly yell after her "be careful!" As the door slams shut.

I sigh before walking upstairs into the room I picked and start unpacking.

Time skip.

I just finished getting the last of my plants up and I gotta say, it looks good.

I walk up to my bookshelf and grab one of my many plant books

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I walk up to my bookshelf and grab one of my many plant books. As I read I hear Coraline come in slamming the door. I decided to put my book down and go greet her.

"Hey Coraline!" I meet her on the stairs as she walks upstairs. She grabs my arm and drags me into her unpacked room.

"Hey are you ok?" "No! I met this boy Wybie, and his dumb cat!" "And this makes you angry why?" "Because I got poison oak.." "..where?" "On my palm" Coraline starts itching it like a dumbass so I smack her hand away.

"Don't itch!" "Ow! Why?" "You'll make it worse." "Ok" "now I'm gonna go to bed. Night Coraline" I stand up and walk to her door. "And don't itch!"

Time skip to the next day.

I was sitting at the kitchen table as my mom worked on her laptop and Coraline was staring at the rain outside playing with the packets.

"Ya know I almost fell down a well yesterday mom." Mom, not paying attention, just hums. "I would've died" "that's nice" Coraline looks over at mom and back outside before asking. "Hmm, so can M/n and I go out? It's the perfect weather for gardening." I look over at my mom. "Can we mom?" "No M/n, rain makes mud and mud makes a mess." "Aww"

"But mom I want stuff growing when my friends come to visit. Isn't that why we moved here?" Coraline complained. "Something like that but then we had 'the accident'" "well it's not our fault you hit that truck." "I never said it was."

"I can't believe it. You and dad get paid to write about plants and you hate dirt." "Coraline, I don't have time for you right now and you still have unpacking to do. Lots of unpacking. M/n already finished his room. Why don't you start?" "Yeah he has plants to take care of. Unpacking seem sooo fun."

"Oh, some kid left this on the front porch" mom hands Coraline a rolled up newspaper. Coraline reads a note and looks at whatever it was. "What is it?" "It's a me doll" "that's really creepy. We should throw it out." "M/n I'm not gonna throw it out...yet. Let's go check on dad"

We go to our dads office and see him on his computer typing. "Hey dad" "hello M/n and Coraline... and Coraline doll?" Do you know where that garden tools are?" "It's pouring out there isn't it?" "It's only rainnnninggg" I say hoping that he'll agree.

He looks at me and sighs "what did the boss say?" "Don't even think about going outside Jones!" Coraline and I say at the same time. "Then you won't need the tools" "ughhh dad!" We whine. Coraline starts playing with the door, after a few squeaks I lay on her body making the door squeak louder.

"You know this house is 1 hundred and fifty years old." "Yeah ok?" I say bored. "So explore it. Go out and count all the doors and windows and write that down... list everything that's blue. Just let me work." "Uggh fine" Coraline and I went around the house and counted everything until we made it to the living room.

"Twelve leaky windows, lots of bugs in the bath, one rusty old water heater, one boring blue boy in a painfully boring painting. Fourteen incredibly boring windows anddd.." "twelve incredibly boring doors" I say when Coraline couldn't think of how many. Coraline goes to grab her doll but it's not there. "All right little me, where are you hiding?" "I told you that doll was creepy. Now it's gonna kill you in your sleep." "Aw shut up M/n"

"There it is" I point at the little legs sticking g out from behind a painting wrapped in brown paper. Coraline goes over to it and pushes the painting only to see a little door. I walk over to her "woah" "hey mom! Where does this little door go?" Coraline yell startling me. "I'm really busy!" "I think it's locked! Please!" Mom comes in to the room.

"Will you stop pestering me if I do this for you?" Coraline started making a puppy face, she hits my leg and I take the hint and do the same. "Fine" as our Mom leaves the room we look at each other and high five. Mom comes back and unlocks the door only for there to be bricks. "Bricks? I don't get it." "They must've closed this off when they divided up the house"

"Aw your kidding and why is the door so small?" I say. "We has a deal shut it you two" "you didn't lock it!" We both yell. "Ugggghh"


Coraline and I are sitting at the table while our dad puts food on our plates and sings:
"Oh my twitchy-witchy children,
I think you are so nice,
I give you bowls of porridge
And I give you bowls of ice... cream!
I give you lots of kisses
And I give you lots of hugs
But I never gives you sandwiches
With grease and worms and mung... beans!"

I push away the slop with Coraline following suit and ask "why don't you cook mom?" "we've been through this before. Your dad cooks, I clean and you stay out of the way. I swear I'll go food shopping as soon as I finish the catalogue. Try some of the charred, you need a vegetable." "This looks like slime" I complain. "Well it's slime or bedtime, what's it gonna be?" I look at Coraline and walk upstairs.

As I'm sleeping a have a weird dream. I look around in the dark void I'm currently residing in. "Hello?"  I see three figures come towards me. "Don't trust her!" "Keep the door locked!" "Don't play her games!" These voices were getting louder and louder until I couldn't handle it and screamed.

I woke up sweating and quickly looked over to my alarm clock. I was only sleeping for 30 min. I quietly get out of bed and tiptoe to Coralines room. I creak open the door and see my sister sleeping with her star lights. "Coraline.. Coraline!" "W-What?" "Can I sleep with you tonight? I had a bad dream.." she lifts up her sleeping bag and I go in with her. "Thanks" "yeah yeah, go to sleep" "ok"

Not even 5 minutes later both of us are sleeping unaware of the watching eyes.

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