Chapter 6: It's Beat-Down Time.

Start from the beginning

This was what Rosie was waiting for, she wasn't chained to a desk staring at numbers and letters as they danced incomprehensively across the page. This was where she could shine. A couple of students had already taken off after Shinoda, but that wouldn't do them any good. This was her thing, Nobody did it better than she did. Rosie bent her knees in preparation, failing to keep the big smile that was advancing across her face in check, then...

BOOM! The other students were rocked in her wake, as Rosie hit the sky, breaking the sound barrier almost instantly. It only took her moments to catch up with Shinoda. Rosie levelled off in front of her instructor, but Miss Shinoda did not look amused.

'An impressive take-off, Miss...?'

'Reynolds, Miss Shinoda.'

'Mm-hmm. One of our new students, I presume?'

'Yes Miss.'

'I do hope for your sake, Miss Reynolds, that you pick things up as quickly as you fly.

'Because then it won't take you long to learn that the welfare of your fellow students is of much more value than excessive displays of narcissism at this institution. Maybe then we can avoid further embarrassment.' Shinoda pointed toward the ground. Rosie glanced down to see the remaining advanced flight students reeling and scattered from her sonic boom. Rosie felt the red burning in her cheeks.

'I... Sorry, Miss.'

'Something to consider in future.

'Class, basic V formation. You will follow my instructions and remain in formation at all times. Are we clear?' Shinoda paused for the chorus of, 'Yes, Miss' from her class, then nodded and led her class out toward the school fields. The formation was moving a little slowly for Rosie, she was far more comfortable tearing through the sky than she was coasting along like this. It was showing too, she could feel herself wobble as she struggled to maintain her balance. She disguised it as best she could so nobody else would notice.

Chelsea, now in her school uniform, formed up alongside the others to make up the flank on the right side of the V. Once she was in place, Miss Shinoda led the class over the school grounds. For Rosie, flying had always been a solo activity, now flying alongside others she felt a sense of belonging, of sharing the experience. As they skirted around the perimeter of the school grounds, Rosie thought, We have to stop meeting like this as she spotted a familiar blonde haired boy below.


'Hey, Jake!' Jason looked up into the air, as the advanced flight class passed over them. 'How about we try for a few moving targets instead?' A fiery ball of energy grew from Jason's upturned hand.

'Hey, you wanna upset the She-Devil, go for it.' Jake glanced up, then returned his attention to the targets that littered the range in front of them. He eyed up his first target, and felt the thunder gather down his right arm.

'You're no fun, man.' Jason threw the ball of energy. It hit his target dead centre, and exploded, sending shards of wood in all directions.

Jake felt the heat an instant before the entire firing range burst into flames. The thunderbolt that had been building in his hand erupted into the ground with a ferocious roar, taking him off his feet and flying into Jason. The two boys lay entangled on the ground, watching the target range burn in front of them. As Jake peered over the arm he'd raised to protect his face from the heat, he saw a burning silhouette with glowing amber eyes hovering above the flames.

'Are we done with our little pissing contest, boys?' Leah Neramani laughed as she watched Jake, and Jason scramble to their feet.

'Miss Neramani, back in formation!' Ms Shinoda's commanding tone drifted across the field. Leah flashed Jake an inviting smile, then returned to her place in the flying V.

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