Silver Tongue

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Just as the dwindling light of artificial sun was making its way down the fake horizon, the first chorus of chimes rang out across the dead silent air.

Will I get a sponsor? I asked myself, but no. No little parachute glided towards me, or anyone in my group actually.

"That way." DJbaby pointed towards just to the west. "I saw one of the gifts drop down in that direction. Let's head out." he hefted his weapon, essentially an axe made of a pointed rock and a rather thick branch, on his shoulder and started walking. He didn't get anything from the Cornucopia, opting to run off instead, but I realized why. His homemade weapon looked a lot more useful than my bottle-of-booze-and-rag combo. Even if I had something to light this with, it's only a one-time use weapon.

Hoot got up and followed DJbaby excitedly. She's been fidgeting with that bag of explosives all day, just ready to chuck them at anyone she comes across. Almost blew my head off when I ran across them. But somehow I managed to talk myself into joining forces with this group. Hopefully just long enough to grab some of their supplies while they're not watching and get the hell out of here.

These people were bloodthirsty. Almost immediately after teaming up with these guys they decided they wanted to set out and hunt for other tributes. I decided to play along, otherwise I'll be a target.

"How far do you think it is?" Kespeon whispered. I'm not sure what her deal is. She won't tell us everything she's got in that bag, but from what I can tell, the rope keeping DJ's weapon together came from her"

DJ stopped. I glanced over where he was pointing and I noticed it too. There was a large plume of smoke, rising out from the trees. Whoever decided to make a fire at night had some balls. DJ started making his way over towards the fire.

"Stop!" I whispered harshly. "That's a pretty big fire. I doubt we're the only ones grouped up and only two of us have any real weapons. We can't just charge in there. We're better off tracking and picking off the stragglers for now."

DJ stared intently into my eyes, half angry I'd defy him, half thinking over the logistics of what I said.

"She's right. Anyone with a fire that big probably has a group at least as big as ours. We have to be smart if we're going to survive." Said Kespeon.

"Alright." He sighed and headed towards our original goal, but by the time we got there there was an empty container with a tiny parachute attached, no tribute in sight.

However, we noticed a set of footprints left in the soft earth leading away from the package, and set off.

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