Out of the Bag

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Context: You are a meta with the power to manipulate another person's mind, throwing them in states of confusion or terror and thus making them easier for Team Flash to catch/defeat any villains. you have been with the team for a little over a month and you have grown to like Vibe, otherwise known as Cisco Ramon, though you've repressed your feelings for him in order to avoid distractions while on the job. However, one unlucky night, you get hit by a blast from a meta whose powers are unknown and fall unconscious, leaving you in the care of Caitlin and Cisco back at star labs while Barry tracks down the new meta. (I try to keep this as gender-neutral as possible but the dialogue or descriptions may have a feminine touch because I'm used to writing from a female PoV, so I'm sorry for that. Also it's been awhile since I've written anything so I'm a little rusty, but otherwise I hope you enjoy!)


"Ow..." You open your eyes slightly to the familiar medical bay inside star labs, though you have no idea how you ended up there. You try to look around, but your body feels strange. Memories flash in your mind of a fight... somewhere in Central City. It wasn't supposed to be a hard fight, especially with Barry, Killer Frost, and Vibe there with you, but something happened. Something hit you like a white hot torrent, but you have no idea as to what exactly it was. You groan.

"Shhh hey don't move. I'm doing some tests to make sure you're okay." Caitlin's voice echos in your ear, but you're glad to know she's there. You heed her advice and rest your head back onto the pillow. Cisco comes into view and you smile.

"Hey guys, what happened? I feel really weird.." You watch as Caitlin hovers some strange contraption over your head, deciphering the text appearing on the screen of her computer.

"It appears that there has been some changes to your frontal lobe. Their minuscule, but it seems to be affecting your powers... they're dampening." She looks at you with her usual sad expression when something goes wrong with one of the team's powers, something between pity and wanting to help shimmering in her eyes.

"You were hit, (y/n)," Cisco interrupts, clearly upset. "I'm sorry, I was supposed to prevent that from happening and I- I didn't." He's still wearing his suit, minus the glasses, and though you want to tell him that he shouldn't be upset and that you'll be fine, you're a little too distracted by your thoughts about him. Most of which sound like this;

"Don't worry about it Cisco, you're still quite the hero in my eyes.. God, what I would give to see what's underneath those clothes of yours."

"What?" Both Caitlin and Cisco exclaim at the same time, giving you confused looks. Your eyes widen as you realize what you had just said out loud. Your face grows hot with embarrassment as you try to think of a lie to cover up your slip-up.

"What I meant to say was I fantasize about taking off your clothes or that leather suit of yours almost every night- I MEAN WAIT.. no no I'm sorry that was not suppose to come out. I just think you're so goddamn hot, and smart, and funny, and I just want to pin you to the wall an-" you cut yourself off by slamming your hand over your mouth. You scrunch up your face beneath your palm, truly and sincerely wishing you had the power of invisibility instead of your currently non-functioning mind-warping ability.

"Um, I think I might have an idea as to what (y/n) was hit with. The dark particles that are currently dampening their powers are also affecting their ability to lie, meaning they were hit with a strange kind of... truth serum." Caitlin looks at you, worry present in her expression.

"Serum!" Cisco exclaims. Caitlin glares at him. "Too soon? Sorry," he rubs the back of his neck and looks at you, a blush spreading across his face. He looks away. "Uh, how long do you think it will last?"

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