Sleep talk

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A/n: had to use translate for this so I hope it's somewhat correct.

Hc: L sometimes talks in his sleep and he's said some strange shit before.

It was a strange night tonight, not only was L ACTUALLY ALSEEP for once, he'd been tossing and turning a lot, like he was dreaming. You decided to take the chance of L being asleep to get some sleep too, that way he wouldn't be waking you up to help him with work every two seconds. He seems to forget that you need more sleep than he does sometimes.

Well... he needs more sleep full stop, but you actually make the effort to sleep unlike him.

But it was very hard to get to sleep with L tossing and turning beside you, constantly moving and taking the blankets with him or kicking you in his sleep. Eventually you got kind of sick of him moving around so you just pulled him into your arms and held him against you in hopes his mind would register the contact as comfort and make him stop moving. It seemed to work as he subconsciously snuggled into you. He was definitely having some kind of dream, judging from his slightly rapid but quiet breathing and the fact he was moving so much before.

It was pretty silent as he seemed to settle down a little but that silence was quickly broken when you felt him grip onto you and he suddenly spoke.

"personne ne t'aime Light" he mumbled.

"What the-" you whispered to yourself.

You looked down at him but he was still asleep. He was sleep taking.

"What language... is that French?"

You thought for a moment you did French in high school once and maybe you could decode it.

"personne ne... uh..." you mumbled.

Then you figured it out, it clicked. You tried not to laugh to loudly when you figured it out.

No one likes you Light.

Even in his sleep he talks shit about Light.

You wondered if he knew that he talked in his sleep, should you tell him when he wakes up? And what kind of dream was the bloody having? Obviously one about fighting with Light but what on earth prompted that?

He suddenly got restless again, trying to move and rollover but you kept him securely in your arms, not wanting to deal with the tossing and turning again. You didn't want to wake him up as he needed more sleep to begin with.

"Mhhh... go away..." he sighed unconsciously.

"What on earth are you dreaming about hun?" You giggled.

He must be arguing with dream Light, he's gotta be.

He seemed to calm down again, and eventually stopped moving around and fell silent, his dream must have ended because you couldn't finally fall asleep without him kicking you.

Not for long though...

You awoke a few ours later to a tight grip on your waist and the sound of your name. Thinking L had woken up and was confused as to where he was since he fell asleep at his desk and you carried him to bed, you rolled over to face him, but... he was still asleep.

Another dream?

His grip tightened some more and you felt him grip onto your shirt.


"Geez L stop dreaming for once... Wait? Me?" You said to yourself.

He seemed calmer this time must have been a nice dream then. He stayed silent, prompting you to try and fall back asleep, just as you were about to drift off, he said one more thing.

"I love you..."

You smiled, cute.

"I love you too..." you replied, falling asleep again.

The next morning you awoke to the sun rudely hitting you in the face through the smallest crack in the windows ever. Ugh, stupid sun. You rolled from your side onto your back to get the sun out of your eyes and the movement made L wake up.

"Huh? (Y/n)?" He said, tiredly rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning" you replied.

"I'm guessing you carried me here?"


You both sat up, taking a second to adjust to the light in the room.

"What the hell were you dreaming about last night?" You asked.

"You know about me dreaming? Was I tossing and turning a lot?"

"Tossing and turning and kicking me"

"Oh, sorry"

"And talking in your sleep"

"I- I talk in my sleep?" He questioned.

"Yep" you replied.

"What did I say?"

"Talking shit about Light in French and telling him to go away"

"Ah... yeah that sounds about right. I had a dream I won the case" he explained.

"That explains it, I thought so. Why the French though?" You asked.

"No idea. I guess that just happens when your multilingual..."

"And what were you dreaming about involving me?"

He froze, his cheeks going red.

"W-what did I say?"

"That you loved me and repeated my name a lot. I'm guessing that was a separate dream"


"Well..?" You asked.

"Just, we Uh- got married"

Now that made your heart melt. Dreaming about your wedding day? What a sweetheart.

"One day honey. One day"

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now