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Many people today are in dire need of a change which only God could handle. They've probably heard about how God showed up in some other person's situation, and this makes them wonder, 'What about me?' ' When will God ever meet my need?' But God is real and He does visit.
God is omnipresent; His presence fills everywhere; yet He does cone and go, in spite of His omnipresence. This is because though Hus presence is not everywhere. So God does visit.

"He (the word) was in the world, and the was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not." (John 1:10-11)

God visited Hus people in the person of His son, but they didn't recognize Him when He came.
One of the reason many people didn't know when God visit is their inability to recognize the presence of God. This is because they haven't realized that His presence is mor than a feeling. This will always happen when they live their lives in someone else experience rather than the word of God. Another reason is that many don't know how to respond to the presence of God. They may be saved and filled with the holy spirit, but still unable to respond to the presence of God because they're not acquainted with His personality.
When you recognize the presence of God and know how to respond to Him when He visit, you will be able to get the power of God to work for you. But if you fail to recognize and properly respond to Him, His power won't do you any good.
Does God come with a loud noise? Must a bush burn to indicate His presence? Does He come at my invitation or does He suddenly come? Will He ever visit me, these are some of the question that have filled the heart of many.
Let's look through the word of God and take example from the lives of men and women who were able to take advantage of God visitation to receive their healing, find solution to their problems and moved their lives up to a higher level.
I encourage you to open your heart as you read this book because God want to visit His children; He really wants to visit you.
Prepare for that visitation!

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God bless you #Smile

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