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"finn why am i here?" you groaned as you plopped onto his bed. "i could be doing something more productive like binging all of the office or sewing or something!"

you were visiting him in georgia for the filming of ST3 and had been staying at his temporary house. it was 10:46 at night which meant you were comfortable in the guest room until he texted you saying it was an emergency.

but, still, he just stood there like he had been for the past 7 minutes. every once in a while a deep breath would exit his mouth or he'd pull at his hair, but no words have left his mouth.

"finn. seriously. you're being weird." you would have been more worried but as finn's best friend, he seemed to always be kind of weird so you figured he was leading up to a weird joke or acting for a strange bit.

you got up, showing that you were threatening to leave when he stopped you. "wait! wait wait wait" he breathed slowly and held you on your shoulders. he flinched slightly when your skin touched, making you begin to actually feel nervous. you put your hands on his shoulders and sighed. "finn... why are you being so weird?"


"what? finn i can't understand you." you questioned. but you did hear it. and now you could feel your body heat up.

"uhh... fuck..."


"y/n. i need you to teach me to kiss."

you removed your hands from his shoulders. "what?! why?"

"because! millie and i have a lot of kissing scenes in the script so far and i- i don't know! i don't want to look stupid or inexperienced!"

you laughed a bit, "finn. you are stupid and inexperienced!"

he chuckled a bit before returning to his concerned state. "i'm serious! we are gonna be on camera! the world is gonna see me suck face in the worst way possible if you don't help me! please?"

you were shocked. but also blushing. you'd always found finn attractive. and maybe even had a little crush on him that's grown and decayed throughout your friendship. and, honestly, you have though about kissing him; especially when he's in the middle of a long story. you can't help but only stare at his lips until you realize your mouth was open the whole time and stop. "uhh... finn... i don't know."

"y/n! please! i'm desperate and have been pushing this to the side for forever but we are filming tomorrow! please! i swear i won't make it weird or anything!" he begged.

you stared at him until a small smile spread across your face. he took that as an agreement. he didn't think he'd get this far. fuck. he was nervous now. he also has thought about kissing you. he loves admiring you when you're mindlessly observing things around you: that's when he wants to kiss you the most.

"u-uh. okay mmm." he muttered as he sat down on the bed and you followed. your right thigh touched his left though as you both stared at each other.

"uhm.." you whispered with a small smile on your face. you didn't know exactly why you were smiling. maybe excitement. amusement. embarrassment. "i- i don't know how to teach it though. i haven't kissed a lot of boys soo..."

"no! that's okay! i just don't trust anyone else or would ask anyone else!" he reassured you, his hand brushing over yours.

"well." you murmured before slowly bringing your hand up to his cheek. at first touch, your fingers flinched away before finally resting on his freckles and warm skin. his lips were pink. his eyes wide, innocent, yet staring right into yours.

he brought his hand up to rest on your face too but it soon fell when he saw you leaning in. "i'm gonna kiss you now." you whispered. he nodded his head, watching as you got closer and closer. finally, he closed his eyes when he felt your lips on his. it was a light peck. a child's kiss. he figured that was it until you kissed him again. instinctively, he kissed back. he was nervous. so nervous he wasnt even taking notes anymore. he was so in awe that he was kissing you. his best friend. on his bed. to say the least, you were feeling the exact same.

you pulled away. "uhm..." you whispered before you felt a pair of lips on you again, making you jump a little before kissing back.

"i've always wanted to do that." he confessed with a shy smile on his face, it almost looked like a smirk.

"me too. we should do it more often." you replied, shocked at the confidence that bursted from you. his eyebrows raised, making you feel nervous like you messed up before his goofy grin spread across his face. a smile spread across your face before you both found yourselves giggling.

"we just kissed."

"i know."


"i know."

"but nice."


you two sat in awkward silence, both taking in what just happened. you could hear his heartbeat racing.

"well... lessons over. i'm gonna um go to bed." you said, clapping your hands awkwardly. you stood up, with him following to open the door.

"well... goodnight." he said, raising his hand for a high five which you returned slowly.

"goodnight finn. stop being weird."

"i'm trying."

your trek to the guest room felt like hours as you knew he was watching you. once you closed your door, you leaned against it. "what the fuck?" you whisper-shouted.

you pushed off of it, moving towards the bed as your heart raced and head pounded.

you wanted to kiss him again. you didn't want to admit it but suddenly you found yourself walking back to the door.

when you opened it, you hoped to see finn there, waiting for a kiss like in the movies but he wasn't. you sighed, closing the door. it probably didn't mean as much to him, you thought.

suddenly, you heard harsh whispers of your name from down the hall. peeking your head out the door, you saw finn's door open with his head doing the same. you laughed a little until you saw him walking towards you, almost in a sort of hurry.

"fi-" you started before his hands were on your cheeks, squishing them together.

"you're so pretty." he whispered before kissing you again.

after a few exchanged pecks, you spoke, "seems a little like you didn't actually need lesson, wolfhard."

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