Chapter 2 : the truth behind the hatred

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Dring dring dring

Well this is another beautiful and sunny day in NY city , i better hurry and get ready so that i won't be late , i took a shower like i always do and then picked a white shirt and matching gladiators and black jeans and then i straightened my hair and went to have breakfast.

As always mom and dad aren't here yet and my brother Jamie who's in university won't be back until next week so it's just me and nina our housemaid .

After having a nice breakfast i took my car went to maria's house to pick her up . Maria also have a car but she never drives it she is a horrible driver the last time she drove we almost hitted a wall that's why i decided to come pick her up every day until she learns how to drive well

"Hey Eva guess where we are going tomorrow after school ?"

"Well good morning to you too Maria , well let me guess ...a party?"

"Oh my god yes !!but not any party we are going to James Hart party"

"Oh no no no no are you completly out of your mind ? there's no way i am going to that house nor to a party plus we have class the morning after and James doesn't even know who i am so i am not unvited anyway"

"Well i might have mentioned your name when he came to invite me and he said any friend of mine is welcome so we are going and please just once in your life do something fun go to a party even if we have class the morning after , i decided that this year i will make you come out of your bubble and i don't care what you want because your obsession about your futur is making you blind and sometimes lonely"

"Wow i am not lonely"

"Oh yeah ? When was the last time you had a boyfriend ? oh let me remind you never!!!"

"No i had a boyfriend when i was seven you remember zack don't you?"

"For god sake you were a child ! I am talking about a real relation Eva a real one "

"Okay i might have never got involved in these kind of relations but don't blame me i have no time "

"You do , you don't have to sit all day studying you can go out and have fun and study at the same time just please i never asked you anything i just want you to try to have fun I want to have fun with my bestfriend i want you to show to people who you really are and we could do that by going out tomorrow to the party , it's just one night eva , one night !"

"Okay i'll go but i'm worried you know i don't want to have new things going on in my life i am scared that if i show who i really am people will start noticing me and rumors will start and drama and ...."

"Shut up Eva , don't overthink do what a teenager is supposed to do , you are still 17 so stop acting like an adult"

"Well thank god we arrived to school because i wouldn't stand another second with your make-eva-come-out-of-the-bubble conversation "

"You'll be hearing much more about this conversation if you decide not to show up tomorrow "

"Yeah yeah whatever i am going now , tchaw tchaw "

"By puppet"

Well that was one hell of a conversation i hurried to class and i was a little late so i had to sit in the last row because it was the only available place i looked beside me and i suddenly felt like i want to throw up . i was sitting next to James Hart . Well let me tell you this short story about why i hate That hart kid.

Even though our fathers are business buddies i never got the chance to meet him or his family and that's probably because i never attend to the parties that my parents organize,my parents used to nag all the time about how my presence is needed but now they kinda gave up because they know that my answer will always be a hard no . well let's not talk about this , see i am a very close friend to James cousin Matt Hart he is in the same university as my brother they are very close and he used to come to our house a lot that's why we are close , he used to tell me evrything : 3 years ago i was still a freshman and Matt was senior and he was always telling me about his girlfriend Rita , he was so in love with her but after a few months they broke up because he somehow knew she was cheating on him and he was devastated i never saw him like that . oh and let me tell you the fun part i was the reason behind there break up , but in a good way . 3 years ago i forgot my bag at the gym class so i went back to search for it and what i saw choked me , Rita was kissing the life out of a guy and when i saw who it was i was way more chocked it was James . I mean who would dare hoke up with his cousin's girlfriend ? Only a true asshole will do that and yeah that's why James is a total bastard for me . how dare he??? Anyway james and rita never saw me entering the room so i left immediatly and i told Matt that i saw his girlfriend cheating on him . it hurted him a lot but i had to say it because he deserved better but i never told him it was James i told him a guy i didn't recognize. at first he didn't believe me because he was so in love with Rita but then he caught her lying at him many times that's when his doubts became real and he broke up with her and he was having a real hardtime. I really felt sorry for him and i wanted to do something to that unfaithful bastard James but i knew i would cause a huge problem if i told anyone the truth that's why i kept this secret to myself and since that year i considered James as the worst human on this earth.

Well story time over , now you know why i hate James Hart ,and it kills me not to be able to tell this story to Maria because i know she would be disapointed and she would never look at james the same way but i can't do that to her , and now just thinking that i have to go to that freak's party makes me want to throw up so badly .

While i was lost in my thoughts i felt someone looking at me so i turned and that James Hart was staring at me , okay i must admit it it freaked the hell out of me , even if he is a handsome young man with his dirty blond hair and his blue eyes and those muscles (i have a thing for strong men) i still considere him as a total douchebag

"Why are you looking at me ?" he said

Excuse me ? who was looking at the other first

"Well i was just returning the favor , you should ask yourself first this question"

"I wasn't looking at you"

"You know what i don't care if you were or weren't looking at me i have better things to do in my life than to argue with you about something silly as this"

"..." Way to go eva my subconcious told me hahahhaha , good for him i left that asshole speechless and i couldn't be more thankful when the bell rang i like literally jumped of my seat and head out and when i turned around he was still looking at me with a strange look i didn't get ...


Hey guys i hope you liked this chapter i kind of wanted to explain the hatred Eva felt for James and how Maria wanted her out of her bubble because eva is a great person on the inside she is not shy not nothing she just chose the wrong path because no one must live that way and deprive himself from the joy of life but don't worry things are going to change .

P.S: NEXT CHAPTER IS ALL ABOUT THE PARTYYYY! it would be the first step that will make Eva Stevens come out of her bubble she will finally understand what she was missing oh and something very important will happen ...

Also you'll be expecting the description if James and his gang , you'll know all about it in the next chapter .

xoxo ✌️

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