Chapter 2~ "Pop's"

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Betty POV:

I just arrived at Pop's and I already saw Veronica and Peter wave at me through the window. I laughed and waved back. As I walked through the door I said hi to Pop and he told me that he'd heard me talking to Jughead and that he's sorry about what happened. He even offered me a free milkshake to cheer me up. I of course said thank you but I declined his offer. I was a little to sad for a milkshake right now. I walked over to the booth that Veronica and Peter were sitting in and I slid in right next to Peter. "So, how was your first day in Riverdale?" I asked them with a small smile on my face. "Mine was awesome, I still miss New York a lot but Riverdale does have its charms." She smirked. "Mine was pretty good too" Peter said shyly. "How was your day, B?" Veronica asked. I wasn't sure exactly how to reply, my day pretty much sucked, I mean I broke up with my first love, and not to sound corny or anything but he really did teach me how to love. I was a complete mess before he came along and helped me figure myself out. I really didn't want to go into detail, so I replied "It was good" and I smiled a little to make myself more believable and avoid questions. I decided to change the topic so that I could think about something a little more positive. "So Cheryl is hosting Vixen tryouts this week, and I remember you saying something about being on Spence's cheerleading team, so do you think you'll try out?" I asked. I've been on the River Vixens for 2 years, as a freshman and a sophomore. (A/N: this is their junior year) So Cheryl told me that I wouldn't have to re-try out. "That depends, is the team a bunch of stock characters from 90's teen movies or are they actually nice?" She questioned. "Well Cheryl's usually won't attack unless she's provoked" I joked, "As for the rest of the Vixens, we're pretty cool for the most part." I said. "I'm confused, what's a 'River Vixen'?" Peter asked. I giggled. "The River Vixens are Riverdale High's cheerleading team." "Oh, that makes sense now." He said with a laugh. Peter seems like a really nice guy and I'd really like to get to know him better, but sometimes he also seems pretty reserved, so I guess I'll just have to wait for him to warm up to me.

Veronica POV:

I'm honestly really excited to try out for the River Vixens. Betty is so sweet, she's practically the opposite of my friends back in New York. It's my first time having a friend like Betty, in a way she keeps me grounded, seeing her kind attitude towards everyone makes me want to be like her. Something tells me we'll end up being great friends. "Oh I almost forgot to mention this, the homecoming dance is this Friday. It's totally optional but everyone usually goes and I hope you guys come too." Betty said. As I was about top reply, a ginger haired boy walked over. "Hey Betty, long time no see." He smiled. "Arch, we were literally partners in Spanish today" Betty laughed. "Well yeah but you totally ditched me after school, I had to walk home all alone, for all you know I could've gotten hit by a truck; and you didn't even bother to text me." He said jokingly. "You're right Arch, my sincerest apologies, I'm so glad you made it home safe." She replied, also joking. They both laughed as Peter and I waited to be introduced. I looked over at Betty, hinting her. "Oh, sorry guys I forgot to introduce you. Archie this is Veronica and Peter, Veronica and Peter this is Archie." She said. "Nice to meet you, wanna sit down?" I offered. "Oh I actually have to go because I ordered take out and my dad's waiting, but thanks anyways." He said. Archie was really nice, I think I may have a bit of a crush on this ginger stallion. As he walked out we began talking again. "He's cute, is he taken?" I asked. Peter scoffed which made Betty laugh. "Actually no, but if I were you I'd act quickly, I heard that Valerie might be asking him to Hoco." She said. (A/N: Hoco is slang for homecoming in case you were wondering) We spent the rest of the night (which was until 7 pm because Betty has a curfew) in that booth just talking and joking around. I'm really starting to like Riverdale, maybe even more than New York...

Peter POV:
Veronica and I were walking home from Pop's, and she seemed a lot happier than she had been the pay few days, I'm guessing the move to Riverdale might have made her sad, maybe she was missing New York. I, on the other hand, am kind of happy to leave. Obviously I miss my friends, MJ and Ned, but I definitely don't miss being called "penis Parker." I think I like this little town, but I haven't seen much of it yet. I mean it's only been like a day. I really like Betty though. I think she's really sweet and I'm happy that I met her. I also think she's really gorgeous, and it's quite rare to meet someone that's genuinely beautiful on the inside AND the outside. My thoughts were interrupted as Veronica began talking. "Do you miss New York?" "A little bit, but I kind of like it here." I replied. She smiled. "Me too, it's refreshing to meet so many genuinely nice people." She added. "I know right?! It's almost like these people have actual souls, unlike most people back in New York." I said, half jokingly. "I know that was partially a joke, but it's totally accurate." She said. "I couldn't help but notice your constant staring at Betty. You should ask her to homecoming." She said, as if it was the simplest thing in the world. Girls like Betty typically go for jocks, she's utterly perfect. 4.0 GPA, cheerleader, editor and chief of the school newspaper, chair of the school events committee, the list could go on forever. The only cool thing I have going for me is the whole spider-man thing, and it's not like I can tell people that anyway. It's cool to have an alter ego though, you can be confident and cool and stuff and no one would know that in reality you're kind of a loser. Oh my god, I just got an idea. I could talk to Betty as an alter ego, I could talk to her as Spider-Man, then maybe I can be confident enough to actually communicate with her and not sound like an idiot. I realized that I'd been trapped in a world of my thoughts when Veronica started clapping her hands together to try and get my attention. "Earth to Peter..." She said. "Sorry, what?" I replied snapping out of my daze. "Hoco, are you asking Betty?" She asked. "Yeah right" I said sarcastically. "What's the worst that could happen?" She asked. "She could hear me" I replied seriously. I could tell Veronica was holding back a laugh. "You just quoted F•r•i•e•n•d•s" she replied while laughing. "Ha ha, that's hysterical." I said rolling my eyes. "Seriously, just go for it." She said. I nodded. I seriously don't think she'll say yes; but I guess I might as well find out, right?

Author's note: Thanks for reading!! Please vote to let me know if you're liking the story, and comment if you have any feedback! Thanks again!!

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