2| i'm so sick of playing your games.

Start from the beginning

mike wasn't nervous, why should he? if he did roll a double and go to jail, max would only hate him more and anyway, if they didn't roll a double again to get out for their next three turns, they only had to pay fifty dollars, which they didn't have.

mike looked down by max's legs were kept the money and saw two twenties and a single one dollar. damn, mike thought, we are so screwed.

he picked up the dice, jiggled them in his hand for a while, building up the tension for everyone to lean in with anticipation, mike chucked the plastic cubes onto the board, closing his eyes doing so. he slowly opened them..

it was a double six.

"oo!" the crowd roared.

"behind bars you go, team mega-rage!" dustin chuckled, moving their playing piece to jail.

"whatever, i'm getting snacks." max mumbled grumpily, standing up from her spot on the floor and stumbling up the stairs.

"madmax is rage quitting!" mike teased and was able to see the smile max showed for a swift second.

mike decided not to bother rolling doubles or even play the game anymore, he followed max up the stairs, his excuse that he needed to go to the bathroom.

"when you gotta go, you gotta go." lucas giggled, causing everyone else to as well.

when mike got out of the basement, he ran straight into his mom.

"honey, i was just going to tell your friends dinner will be ready in fifteen, do you want to tell them or?"

"you can tell them; i gotta go to the bathroom." mike lied.

"oh, okay, sweetie. i'll just do that now i guess..." mrs wheeler said, but mike was already long gone.

mike jogged into the sitting room, where he saw max eating some jawbreakers on mike's side of the couch.

max didn't notice mike at first, but when she did, she stood up really quickly that she felt dizzy, hiding the hand full of jawbreakers behind her back.

"hope you didn't wipe your disgusting hands on my side of the couch." mike warned, leaning to one side as he looks over his designated seat he has owned since he was six.

"wheeler, what are doing here?"

"believe it or not i live here."

"fascinating." max said sarcastically. "why you looking for me anyway?"

"i wasn't."

"yes you so were, mister i need the bathroom when it's conviently close to when max raged out the basement," max teased, "and if you're here to call me out for what happened to us in the game, i just want to make it clear that you rolled the dice on doubles three times, so don't you put the blame onto me you sore los-"

"okay! shut up! can we just make it clear that i don't want you here, in my house, at my sleepover. i don't want you in our party, hanging out with my friends, shit, i don't want you to even go to the same school as me." mike interrupted, but was far from finished, "the only reason i've tolerated you for this long is because i took pity on how lonely you were when you first came here, I tolerated you because my friends really wanted to know you better, more than that stupid bitch who plays videogames and skateboards everywhere!"

"yeah, well right back at you. i hate with with every inch of my body, your stupid hair and weird voice ticks me off so much! when you're near me or someone mentions you in conversation i cringe so hard inside and get filled up with so much rage that causes me to act out on anyone who pushes me over the edge! so don't you dare think you are the only one with hatred towards another person! and just for your information, i never asked to move here, i should be in sunny california, but i'm stuck in this shithole!"

max fled the scene fast, trying to hide the tears threatening to fall and instead they blurred her vision as she walked back into the basement. she knew mike hated her, but the speech he gave her made max question her relationship with the party and was it really worth it. max sat back down and waited for her turn to roll the dice once she got out of jail, no-one noticing how down and upset she looked but just sat back, relaxed and made jokes with the rest of them. this made max think: yes, it is worth it. one douchebag can't bring me down. so he'll have to try a hell of a lot harder to knock this baby's walls down.



eek! i did it,

sorry.. :'(

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