•Chapter 1•

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Disclaimer: This is the sequel of "You are my light- Bakugo x Reader". If you haven't already, I'd recommend reading it first for background information. Also, please do not hate on any characters, just because you didn't ship their parents. These are new characters, so don't just see the parents in them.


Sutsuki's POV

"Are you sure?" I asked my parents nervously, as I sat in the back of our car. I could feel my clothes feeling weird, since I was wearing the U.A. uniform for the first time today.

Mom leaned to the side and turned her face to me, which made a (H/C) strand of hair fall into her vision. "Stop worrying, honey. You will be having lots of fun at U.A.! And you already know many of your classmates." She said in a cheerful tone.

She was right. Most of my friends were going to be in my class. While some of them got in on recommendations, like me, some had to take the entrance exam. We were all kids of befriended pro heroes, so it was intentional for us to be in the same age, class and also the fact, that we grew up together. Our parents were always setting playdates for us, when we were little, so they could chat. That's why most of my classmates will probably be on a first name basis.

Still a bit nervous I looked out the window of the car and watched the houses pass by. "Are you looking forward to seeing your friends?" Mom then asked.
"Only some of them...Some are annoying...." I mindlessly sighed as I heard a short laugh from Dad.
"That's my girl." He quietly mumbled with a grin on his face, while he continued driving to my school.

When the car finally came to a stop, we all got out. I could hear the voice of my best friend nearby, so I looked around rapidly. "Kyoka!" Mom joyfully yelled. I turned to the direction she was looking. There stood the Kaminari family, including my best friend, Chihiro Kaminari. I could recognize her bright yellow bangs everywhere. She was also wearing her uniform and I noticed the red bow, that she tied a strand of hair up with, matching the red tie around her neck.

I ran up to her and pulled her into a hug. "Hey, Sparky." She greeted me. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that, Pikachu." I answered a little annoyed as she giggled in response.

Then we noticed our parents' attention turning to us. "Alright, girls." Chihiro's mom said. "We'll see you later, when we drop off the stuff for your dorms. Now go! I'm sure the others are already waiting to see you again."

We nodded in response with a "See you later." and walked to school. After searching for a little while, we found our assigned classroom with the sign saying "1-A". I grabbed the handle of the door and opened it.

The atmosphere was cheerful and happy as we saw many familiar faces. Chihiro and I stepped inside and the first one to come up to us was the tall redhead Gorun Kirishima. His hair was falling into his face and his golden orbs peeked out in between the strands. The colour of his eyes was matching the colour of the tiny two horns, sticking out from his head.

"Hey, guys. Haven't seen you in a while." He greeted us in his energic voice. I raised my head, because he was so tall. "Is only been four weeks..." I said. "But still seems like you've gotten even taller!" Chihiro added. "Maybe you just became shorter." He shrugged chuckling.

•Blue Stars•| BNHA second generation [discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant