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Jack and Nathan had been dating for a few months now, and Nathan figured that now was the right time.  He found an amazing gold and amethyst ring, he knew it was perfect.  Now, he just needed the perfect moment.  Nathan gave Jack no hints about what he planned to do.  Plus, he had been working a little extra time, he had a project he was building in a private lab, one to which only he could access.  Nathan smiled as he saw his lover approaching him.  "Hey, babe," Nathan said, kissing Jack's forehead.  "Hi," Jack said, laughing.  How Nathan loved his laugh.  Nathan made a arrangement at a restaurant in town, then he would propose to Jack outside.  "You ready for tonight?" Nathan asked.  "Of course," Jack replied.  Jack's phone started to ring.  He groaned slightly, which made Nathan laugh.  "Carter." Nathan watched his facial expressions, trying to figure out what was going on.  "Yeah...I see...Yeah, I'll see you there."  Jack hung up.  "Jo. Said she needs needs me at the power plant of all places." Nathan laughed.  "You go on, just make sure you're ready for tonight,"  Nathan said, kissing him.  "I will," Jack replied, jogging off to his car.

Nathan was waiting for Jack outside in his car.  Jack was getting ready for their night out.  Nathan heard the squeak and clang of the bunker's door.  Then he saw Jack, and his jaw dropped slightly.  Jack was in a stylish blue tuxedo, with a black bowtie.  And his hair was comed over to the side.  Nathan quickly shut his mouth as Jack got in the car.  As they drove off, Jack noticed Nathan's attire, a white tuxedo with a black under shirt and white bowtie.  "You look great." He said.  Nathan smiled at him.  "And look handsome." Jack blushed.  Nathan chuckled at his lover's reaction to his comment.  They soon arrived at the restaurant.  "I made a reservation." Nathan said, and a waiter guided them to a private table.  Jack was awe struck with how beautiful the place was.  "Nathan, this is amazing." He said.  Nathan just laughed, "Oh, my dear, we are just beginning."

Jack and Nathan were leaving from their pleasant dinner.  "Nathan, I swear sometimes you just love to spoil me." Jack said.  Nathan laughed, and linked their hands.  "Well, that's because it's fun." The continued their walk, and decided to go to a nearby park, the moon was full and shinning bright as Jack and Nathan approached a small bridge that crossed over a pond.  Jack crossed his arms on the railing, and rested his head on top.  The reflection of the moon on the water glistening in his eyes.  To Nathan, this moment was a work of art, a bright, shining moon in the sky, a detailed reflection in the water, and the reflection mirrored in the eyes of the man he loves.  Nathan decided that it was now or never.  "Jack, there's something I want to ask you." Jack turned to face him, curiosity plain in his eyes.  "I love you Jack, and I will never love anyone else as much as I love you," Jack's eyes widened, there's no way, "I hope that if we have any problems in the future, we'll be able to amend them.  And so," Nathan took a deep breath, got down on one knee, opened the small blue box, and asked, "I ask you, Jack Carter, will you marry me?"  Jack covered his mouth with both hands, and nodded vigorously as tears streaked down his face.  Nathan stood up and hugged his new fiancé.  Jack buried his face into Nathan chest.  "I love you," his muffled voice cracked.  "I love you, too." Nathan said, his voice shaky as well.  Nathan pulled away and slipped the ring onto his fiancé's figure.  "Oh my god, you jerk." Jack said as laughed, and shoved Nathan slightly.  Nathan laughed and pulled Jack back into a hug.  "C'mon, let's go home." They climbed into the car and Nathan drove to the bunker.

They stopped outside, and Nathan switched off the car.  "Oh my god, I'm still shaking." Jack said.  Nathan chuckled, climbed out of the car, and walked around to Jack's side.  He opened the door and helped Jack out.  "You know I had to make it special."  Nathan said.  Jack and Nathan entered the bunker with giant smiles on their faces.  Zoe saw them and walked up to them.  "You're back late." She said.  "Well, uh, um..." Jack couldn't find his words.  "Zoe, I hope you don't mind but I permanently claimed your dad." Nathan said casually.  Jack laughed, and Zoe's jaw dropped.  "You don't mean-" Jack held up his hand for her to see.  She squealed in excitement and happiness, the wrapped the two of them in a bear hug.  "Congratulations, Sheriff Carter." The robotic voice of SARAH sounded throughout the house.  "Thanks Sarah." Jack replied.  He pulled Nathan in for a kiss, and then they got ready for bed.  Jack and Nathan had to tell their friends that they were getting married! Jack smiled as he drifted off to sleep.

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