Chapter 1

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I barely remember writing this, but I'm publishing it anyway. This is literally from like 2 years ago so I don't plan on anyone actually reading this. I also have the next few chapters saved so I'm probably going to publish all of them. I just didn't want these chapters to go to waste even if they aren't that good.  Anyway, I doubt anyone is reading this but if you are, enjoy this random shit I wrote a million years ago. 

Maya headed to class, ignoring Missy Bradford's narcissistic comments. Today was her 16th birthday, and so far, she hasn't been enjoying it.

"Hey Hart!" A male voice called behind her.

She kept walking, annoyed.

"Not in the mood."

She felt a hand grab her arm gently. She spun around.

"What do you want?"

She was face to face with a boy with jet black hair, and dark brown eyes. He wore a tight black shirt that emphasized his muscles and ripped jeans. He was hot, she wasn't going to lie.

He grinned.


She sighed. She was really irritated for some reason. The past month she has being feeling really jumpy and anxious. She didn't know why. Every time someone talked to her she felt like slitting their throats. Already before she started feeling this way, her friend Lucas would annoy her constantly, but now it's ten times worse. He would just breath and she would feel like ripping his tongue out of his mouth.

And it was getting worse. Maya didn't tell anyone, because she thought she was just going through a phase. But it wasn't a phase, and it wasn't getting any better.

"Don't touch me." She groaned.

The boy released her arm slowly. And took a step back, raising his hands up in the air to show that he came in peace.

"Hey, I just want to talk." He said, grinning.

"How about, you go over there and talk?" She said pointing to the class furthest from the class she was heading to.

"Great. Lucas told me you were cranky."

"Did Lucas also tell you that I could break an arm?" She snapped.

He chuckled, looked at the ground, then back up at Maya.

"Happy Birthday, Hart." With that, he smiled at her one last time and walked away.


The first person Maya saw when she walked into class was Lucas.

He was writing something on a paper. He looked up when she walked in and smiled.

"Hey Maya, come over here." He waved her over.

She clenched her fists and told herself not to get too carried away with trying to get under Lucas's skin.

For the past 3 years she has known him, she has been trying to annoy him. To tease and torment him, but she never succeeded. It was actually the opposite. He had succeeded in annoying her. Every day.

"Listen, Friar. I do not have the patience today." Maya said as she approached his desk.

He laughed, his eyes sparkling.

"Relax." He said. "It's just a birthday card. I know I never made one for you before, but you seem very...what's the word...cranky lately, so I figured you needed a little something to cheer you up."

Maya sighed. He was making it so hard for her to hate him. Why did he have to be sweet?

Every since Lucas moved here from Texas, Riley, Maya's best friend, has had the biggest crush on him. And Maya could see why.

Lucas was tall, and very well built. He had beautiful brown eyes that reminded Maya of a puppy. She could go on describing him for hours. As an artist she payed attention to the different features of his face so she could integrate those features in some of her paintings.

"Thanks cowboy." She said.

Her head began to pound suddenly. It started off as a soft pulsing beat, then it became so overwhelmingly painful that she couldn't think straight. All in a matter of a minute.

"Hey are you okay?" She heard a deep voice ask. Thoughts swirled around in her mind, sounds echoed in her skull. Her vision blurred, and a wave of nausea came over her.

She felt herself falling. Strong firm hands caught her. Everything around her was fading, and she was swallowed into a tunnel of darkness.

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