Chapter 2 Introductions and Names

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Ellena falls down when the light dies down. She looks around to see where she is. Not to far looks like a town. A town she doesn't really remember. She takes her pokemon back out and throws them to release them. They all stand infront of her waiting for something form her.

She takes a deep breath, " I would like to get to know you all. Gardevoir and Mewtwo would you two translate for me for those that can't use telepathy and whatnot?" They both nod confused.

Zekrom comes closer. It bends down to look at her in the eyes. It huffs then seems to smile, " I am male. As you know I am the pokemon of Ideals. But you don't need them to translate." I look at him confused and rise an eyebrow at him. He seems to smiles and chuckles. "You like the choosen one have the power of Aura. It would allow you to understand all pokemon." All the pokemon there all nod their heads. She makes the I understood face and nods. He nods and steps back. Yveltal steps forward.
"I think you want to know our genders?" A feminine voice says. "As well as some of your pokemon?" She nods. "I am female." She says and steps back. Dialga step forward. "Male." Then he steps back. Ellena think their are stepping forward to know which one is speaking to her as they seem to not move their mouths when they speak. Rayquaza floats forward. "Female young one." Then do as the rest have done. Then Mewtwo does the same. "I am male."

The non-legendary pokemon, except for Gardevoir do the same. First was the Charizard. "Male". Next the Umbreon. "Female." The Glaceon. "Female." Ninetails. "Female." Then finally the Greninja. "Female master" as she also bows to her. She nods at them.

Ellena looks at her pokemon.  Both legendary and normal. She smiles. "I see thank you for telling me. Now i would like to um...." She blushes as does the scratch-behind-the -head- nervous-thing. "Could I give my normal pokemon .... Names?" She stands there awkwardly for a few moments. The the pokemon all nods thier heads. She smiles and takes a deep breath. "Ok. Gardevoir, Sky. Charizard, Natus. Glaceon, Azul. Umbreon, Midnight. Ninetails, Yosei. Greninja, Moonlight." They all seem to smile at thier names. They like them. She puts her hand down and smiles more. Then back up to do it again embarrass. "Sorry one thing I like about the games was naming some if not all my Pokemon." She chuckles embarrassed.

Gardevoir says, No its alright. And i think I speak for all of named that we like them. But what about the legendaries?"

She nods, "I have nicknames for them. " She looks at them. "Yveltal's is Yvel. Rayquaza is Ray. Dialga is Dia. Mewtwo is Mew. And Zekrom is Zek." She blushes embarrassingly. The legendaries all look at eachother then back at Ellena a d smiles as best as they could. Yveltal seems to step forward again. "Like what Gardv-.. I mean Sky has said. That we like the names and that we have choosen a good trainer." Ellena blushes more and embarrassed. Ellena then stops with a worried expression.

"I didn't think of this until now, but what do i have in turn of money!" She panics. "Like what am I to do about food and clothes. And then there how are we gonna join Ash/Satoshi. And like which name is it for him! I don't know why they have two names for him anyways. And like how are we gonna get his attention to have him speak to us since the legendaries shouldn't be out to long cause humans will come after them so i can't really use them to do much!" She then proceeds to go on about this for a while.

Then Zekrom seems to had enough and yells, "Calm down and look in your backpack and side bag for Arceus's sake!" Ellena the squeaks in surprised this. She takes a few deep breaths. "I apologize."

After calming down a bit. "No I was freaking out so don't worry to much." She says with a smile but a different, hurt in her eyes. Then she takes off her backpack and opens it up. There her laptop with charger. Some books with words that she can't see clearly. And clothes of different colours and styles. She widen her eyes at this. Then she opens her purse and pulls out her wallet. Its Kingdom Hearts themed. She opens the said wallet and fines a lot of pokedallers? There must be at least over 100, 000, 000 in there! Her eyes widen more and in shock. She also seem at a loss for words. She stares for a few minutes before looking at the pokemon. She looks at them in a stat. Then after she finally looks around her. It seems to be a forest near said town. It looks like spring or summer. Not too cold, but not to warm either. Ellena takes a deep breath. As if to calm herself again. She takes her things and sits herself against a tree and sighs. She closes her eyes and leans back into said tree. She hears movement, but does nothing. She then feels something on her lap and shoulders. She opens one eye to see the eeveelutions laying their heads on her lap. Gardevoir and Greninja leaning their head on her shoulders. The other seem to be close but not on her and alert. They seem to wamt to offer comfort to her. She smiles and closes her eye. Soon she starts to drift off to the land of the sleep as she pets the eeveelutions in her lap. They all seem to drift off to sleep when the sun starts to set on the horizon as more pokemon seem to get closer to keep her warm form the nights coldness. The legendaries seem to nod to eachother and they themselves go into thier pokeballs to make sure that no one sees and tries to hurt her. But remains alert to danger closeby

*End of chapter 2. Hope you enjoy and like my first story on here

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