Chapter One.

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Ally's POV

I woke up, my head pounding from the night before. I've gotten a shit load of hangovers, but this by far was the worse.

My train of thought was interupted by a loud snore. Turning my head to find the source, I found Jason. Jason was probably your sterotypical college jock . Long, brown hair, blue eyes that could make any girl melt. I smiled to myself at the memory of last night.

There was a huge blowout party at the frathouse for "the start of the new semester" but I know they just needed an excuse to throw a huge ass party with as much booze and crack as they can get.

Let's just say after a few hits and god knows how many bottles, I found Jason. He was probably the best fuck I've had all week.

" Jason." I whispered, not wanting to disturb my sleeping roomate, Alexis. She hated when I brought guys back to our dorm, and I knew if she found out, I would get an earful.

" Jason!" I said louder this time. He groaned, pulling the blanket to cover his face. I rolled my eyes. Fucking dick.

I sat up, picking up my throw pilliow, smacking him on the head mulitple times before he got the message.

"What, What?" He said, his deep voice  laced with sleep.

"Get up, Alexis is gonna be up any second now."

"Shit!" He cursed, jumping out of bed and running to the door, still in his boxers may I add.

"You forgot these!" I yelled, throwing his clothes towards him.

"Thanks, see you later Ally!" He replied, winking. I smiled, that cheeky bastard.

I heard a buzzing sound, indicating that it wasn't long before Alexis was up. Crawling back in bed, I shut my eyes trying to find sleep, but with my head pounding, it wasn't easy.

"Ally?" Alexis said, walking towards my bed. I opened my eyes to find her staring at me with a scowl on her features.

"Yes?" I replied, giving her my best smile. In case she suspected something, I had to act like nothing was wrong.

"Was there a guy in our dorm a few minutes ago?" She questioned, her left eyebrow slightly turning upwards. I shook my head.

"Not that I know of." I answered. She looked at me for awhile then, trying to read my expression I assume, before turning and heading towards the kitchen.

"Want some coffee?" She asked, pretending that our previous conversation didn't occur.

"No, I think I'm just going to sleep in ."

She stopped the coffee maker, turning to look at me.

"Ally, you can't just "sleep in" every time your hungover. Your going to fail all your classes and most likely get kicked out of college." She said firmly.

I rolled my eyes, pulling the blanket over my head.

"So fucking what, It's not like I wanna stay in this hell hole any longer." She ignored me, proceeding with her coffee.

"Be ready by 9, I need to get more coffee on the way there."

Of course, she completely disregarded my comment earlier. I got out of bed, knowing that I wasnt going to get sleep any time soon. Walking to my closet, I pulled out a black lace bandeau and paired it with a black leather jacket and a tight mini skirt. I fluffed up my hair, giving it a little more volume. Putting on my black heels and light makeup, I waited for Alexis to get ready.

"Ally, I'm ready!" She yelled, oblivious to the fact that I was actually right behind her. She turned around, I almost laughed at her reaction.

"Didn't expect me to actually listen, right?" I asked. She grabbed her keys, mumbling something under her breath and motioned me to leave the dorm room.

The parking lot was packed. Everyone hitching a ride from their friends, freshmans getting ready to explore the "wonderous adventures of college". I quickily made my way to Alexis's fucked up white mini van. Why hasn't she gotten a new one?

I hopped in, waiting for Alexis to join me. After a good ten minutes of sitting around in this dump, I got out of the car looking for her. What's taking so long?

Spotting her, I ran towards her.

"Alexis, What's taking you so long?" I asked. Only then I noticed the guy she was talking to. He seemed to be about our age. Tall, green eyes, brown curls pushed back from his face. The minute he saw me, his eyes widened and he took a few steps back.

"Uh… Alexis I'll see y-you a-around." His deep raspy voice stuttered. He was sexy as fuck. But why was he so afriad of me?

"Who was that?" I asked her.

"Harry. Harry Styles."

I smirked, best remember that name.


Authors Note

This story takes place at Michigan State University.

Cast List-

Harry Styles as Himself

Adele Exarchopoulos as Ally Ross (picture in sidebar)

Louis Tomlinson as Himself

Liam Payne as Himself

Zayn Malik as Himself

Niall Horan as Himself

Lea Seydoux as Alexis Wuthers

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