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It was a bad one. A case in Pittsburgh, one Unsub killing mothers and daughters both had to be blond and the children had to be under 5. It was his 'type'. The jet was quiet, it was late, everyone trying to unsee what they had witnessed. Just before landing Hotch sat up to say something.

"Everyone, I'm giving you all 2 days off no work and no paperwork. Have a well deserved break." His words where quick and sharp. The tall profiler turned back around to face you missing your eyes.

"Does that mean you too?" You mumbled quietly trying not to get the attention of the team.

"What does that mean?" Hotch snapped back clearly over tired.

"Will you take a break as well? No paperwork for real. Spend time with Jack. You need a break Hotch." Your words fell thin. "You deserve it"

Not even a smile. "Jack is visiting his grandparents. I'll be alone."

Your heart broke a little as he finished his sentence. As you made eye contact with the man you let out a smile, "your never alone Hotch."

Hotch sunk further into his chair not giving a reply. You knew he didn't mean anything by it you just hoped he really would take a break for a bit.
The jet finally landed and everyone said their goodbyes. Glancing up to Hotch's office you saw him look at an abundance of different files.

You turned to walk to your car knowing there was no luck talking him down. You had always cared for Hotch, you had always cared for everyone on your team but Hotch was different. It was different kind of care but knowing he was your boss you suppressed those feelings.


Once you were home you immediately stripped. Out of the official work attire and into an old oversized AC/DC shirt. You debated on pants but decided you'd wear your small black shorts.  Just short enough to cover your butt but once the shirt came over top it looked as if you didn't have pants on at all.

Once you had changed you made yourself a tea and sat in the couch to watch a movie, not ready for the night to end yet. Although the clock showed 1:26 am there was still time for a bit of a movie at least.

Time had passed as you had begun to drift off to sleep but it was loud knock on the door  made you jolt up. Who on earth you be here at this time of night. Still half asleep you walked to the door.


"(Y/N), sorry to show up like this but you filed this wrong and I need you to quickly fix it" Aaron sounds stern as usual but something was off, he looked distressed.

Once Aaron had finished his order he trailed down your body. He couldn't help but admire how nice you look in an oversized shirt. "Are you wearing pants?"

Still half asleep you panicked. "No! No! See! There just short.
You lifted up your shirt to show your boss your pants at the same time exposing your toned stomach. Aaron looked down feeling a blush grown oh his cheeks.

"Sorry, didn't think that one through." Your words where quite. Now you had embarrassed yourself in front of the one person on the team you tried so hard to impress. "Please, come in"

You moved aside letting the tall man take a few steps down the hall to your kitchen. You followed after him but once you met him in the kitchen the tone had completely changed. Confused you walked over to Aaron.

"Aaron you're not here for the file are you?" You grabbed his arm as you stood in front of him attempting to look him in the eyes. "What's wrong?"

"The case." He said softly. "All I wanted was to come home to Jack but he's not home. He's being so distant lately and I can't lose him."

Your eyes met as Aaron held back tears. "He doesn't talk to me like he use too, he's all I've got."

Before a tear could hit his face you pulled him close to you for a hug. Your arms wrapped around his waist pulling him tightly. Hesitation riddled Aaron's body before he gave in and hugged you back. It felt nice to hug him it's like always imagined warm and surprisingly soft.

Before you could let go of him "Jack doesn't hate you and he never will, this will end the second he gets back. He loves his dad."

Aaron pulled back collecting together his things. "Your probably right, I should leave the file can wait."

As he turned around and headed to the door you couldn't let his end.

"Aaron?" You soft voice traveled the house. Aaron stoped in his tracks not turning around.


It was all you could say.

Aaron immediately turned around throwing the file on the counter. He pulled you in for another hug this time even tighter and warmer.
You sat with Aaron on the couch to continue the movie you had started. A few minutes in and you let out a yawn. It was so big it could have shook the whole block.

You smile at Aaron embarrassed at your yawn. He smiled back, it was so nice to see him smile but to be the one to make him smile felt even better.

Aaron leaned in his hand resting on your chin. Lifting your head up he kissed you. The feeling you got felt like fireworks going off all through your body.

Aaron pulled you in closer deepening the kiss you rested a hand oh his chest.

Pulling away Aaron smiled. "Let's go to bed"

You knew that you had wanted a night like this to come but the fact that Aaron felt the same made you feel like you where on cloud nine.

Aaron stood up reaching his hand out to hold yours. Hand in hand you walked towards the bedroom.

"You looks really cute dressed like that by the way" you both chuckled at his antics. "Although, one of my shirts would look much better on you."

It was nice to see Aaron in this mood so you continued, "you'll have to stay the night more often than."

"Can't wait."

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