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You guys have been going out for about three years Ida probably knows the exact amount from months to days because he's cute like that.

Started living together after you guys did the nasty for the first time on your two-year anniversary, Ida wanted to show you how serious he was about you and wanted to make sure you both were committed and it wasn't about the physical aspect of it for either of you.

He didn't know he was your first and after you tell him he feels guilty because you weren't his, after all you are 3 years younger than him.

You two met at your shared hero agency you got accepted into right after highschool. You were assigned to be his friend kirishimas sidekick and went out drinking, you don't drink neither does Ida but Kiri got wasted and him not controlling his quirk while intoxicated made it impossible for you to carry him home. Ida being his chivilarious self helped and walked you home after.

The rest is history and today you and kirishima have come up with something pretty scandalous.

Lately things have been really intense in the bedroom he's very sweet and loving and overall heroic in every aspect of himself, very endearing. It seems that ever since your first time together theres hardly a night or time you guys aren't having sex even when you both agreed to put it on hold it barely lasted thirty minutes before he had you on the bed after seeing you lick brownie batter off your finger.

This idea was brought to life when a conversation about your bedroom activity came up with Kiri he was just curious about his childhood friend and was surprised when he found out Ida hadn't waited until marriage even more suprised you weren't even his first. Anyways you talked about fantasies. Kirishima is off market and rooting for the other team but that stays out of tabloids for security purposes so you feel safe talking with him as you guys have become close friends as well as partners.

"He doesn't really like dirty talk" you answer kirishimas previous question.

" Well no suprise there ha! He called passing gas flatulence and always went on about proper conduct and what not, what about you though I can't imagine your foul mouth keeping quiet" Kiri finishes that with a smirk and you return it.

"Correct as ever, he seems to get into it when he's on the recieving end and I did ask and he said he doesn't mind and just wants me to express myself I think that's him saying he loves it hehe"

You really love Tenya Ida.

Continuing your conversation with Kiri goes as follows.

"Kinda wish he was more adventurous though would love to hear him talk dirty maybe a little bondage I've always had an interest but with working right out of school I didn't have time for dating let alone finding somebody until Ida but we work together so it worked out but there's a bit I wanna experience that I'm nervous to ask. I mean he won't even do it anywhere else besides on a bed in a bedroom"

"What if he didn't have a choice" Kiri suddenly asked.

Confused by what he mean you made a contorted face. "Huh..?"

"Hear me out, we put you in a situation where it looks like you've been kidnapped by a villian and we tie you up somewhere and I send out a message that makes it to where only he can save you and hes to come alone oh and I'd be "captured" as well just relaying message"

The idea did leave a tingle of excitement crawling up your spine. You think for a second then agree.

"Let's do it Kiri"


"Where is Y/N kirishima?! She isn't answering her phone nobody has seen you or heard from either of you for hours are you goofing off-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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