Chapter 2

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(Elijah's POV) 

"End of May or early June, this picture perfect afternoon we share. Drive a winding country road and grab a scoop at...A La Mode. And then we're there." The ginger haired boy in the passengers seat is singing, the radio isn't even on. I swerve round the bend and brake as we pull into the field decorated with wild flowers. The boy turns to me smiling as we step out of the car. "An open field that's framed with trees." his arms are wide open, he spins around. I slowly start walking up the hill rolling my eyes at my crazy friend. "we pick a spot and shift the breeze, like buddies do. Quoting songs, by our favourite bands and telling jokes no one understands except us two and we talk and take in the view," he sits down beside me pausing as he realises I've just set up the entire picnic and he did nothing but sing. "We just talk and take in the view. All we see is sky, for forever, we let the world pass by for forever-"

"Are you gonna stop sing Dear Evan Hanson now?" I interrupt his musical number, he just looks at me like 'excuse me?'. I roll my eyes dramatically, I'm waiting for his famous reply.
"You threw off my groove Eli!" he states like its the end of the world but just brushes it off and reaches for a tuna mayonnaise, with sweetcorn and tortilla chips sandwich – our favourite.
"It's not my fault that you are oblivious to the reason I was singing that song." he carries on, I look up at him, those gorgeous deep green eyes.
"Mason I'm not stupid, you were trying to make the same point you do every single time we come out here." I say opening the box of apple pies.
"you were trying to get me to notice the fact that what we do every single Sunday is the same as what the guy sings in the musical, in which I will tell you again, we don't, because we don't go and get ice cream, we have a picnic, the field we are in is filled with poppies, not yellow flowers, like there is in the musical. Shall I go on?" Mason nods his head with satisfactory. I huff and bite into one of the pies. The ginger just laughs and lays back onto the blanket, with his hands behind his head. This position was very good at showing off his strong, quite muscular arms. Especially with that t-shirt he was wearing, the hem of the sleeves seemed to strain. My eyes caught sight of the pale skin revealed by the lift of his arms, his faint muscles was on show, although it was probably more of a four-pack. At any rate it was still way better than anything I had. I could see the light sprinkle of freckles that were placed across his arms and face. He suddenly flicked an eye open, taking me out of my daydream. I hadn't even realised I had been staring at my best friend.
 "Enjoying the view, Eli?" he asked with a mocking chuckle as he sat up. I cleared my throat instead of replying, hoping he'd drop the matter.
"ok how about a game of truth or dare?" he suggests, scooting a little closer to me on the blanket, moving the picnic basket out of the way.
"Ah yes of course, cos we're twelve year old girls!" I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm. The ginger raised his eyebrow and tilted his head slightly, waiting for me to agree. I thought there was no point in saying no. At least not to that gorgeous face. He starts off with the most boring ones on earth, just trying to make me annoyed. I'm not completely sure why we are playing this when we have literally known each other our entire lives, there's nothing that we don't know about each other; he's snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"Earth to Elijah Grace? Come in Eli?" I laugh waving his hand away.
"okay, okay, what was the question?" I was giving my full attention, I am adamant to not zone out again.
"I said," he continued, "Have you ever thought about a guy in that kind of way?" I blinked for a bit, my mouth hung open slightly. My throat was dry, I didn't know what to say, how to say anything. I just sit there staring blankly at Mason. I suddenly feel pressure on my lips, I melt into it, kissing back. I let my hands fall around his broad neck. He pulls away and we gasp for breathe. He cups my face with his hands and wipes a tear that's somehow fallen from my eye.

"ssh," he stops me with a delicate finger against my lips. I smile, not quite believing what's happening.
"It's okay, I know and I still think it's quite funny that you didn't get the vibe from me!" we laugh and I playfully hit his arm, his rock solid biceps. It's so smooth and hard and-

"having fun there?"

I look up and quickly remove myhand from his arm that I had been apparently stroking. "no,just...."


"Just.. I don't know, admiring your muscles?"

he came right up against my ear and said
"hmm, okay, what about my lips?" I loosen up again as he lifts up my chin and our lips connect, again. 

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