32. Infantino Street pt 1

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Leonard shrugged, unapologetically. He didn't respond to the comment though, instead narrowing his eyes at Barry again. "Why trust me now?" He had a point. It was a bit reckless and dumb to trust someone after they'd betrayed you.

Barry didn't immediately answer. He blinked a couple of times, shifting his weight from foot to foot as he stared at the ground.

Deserey looked at him worriedly. Maybe she didn't really have a right to care, considering she didn't really know him all that well; but he looked so completely lost and helpless. She thought he might of been trying not to break down.

Leonard, evidently, did not share her sympathy for the Flash. He sighed, pointing at the Waverider with an impatient finger. "Spit it out, or I'm gonna step onto that ship and pretend like this conversation never happened."

"It's probably locked," Dez reminded him.

He shrugged. "I'll break in."

She nodded. "Okay, fair enough."

Len turned back to Barry. "Well?"

Barry hesitated for another moment. When his eyes finally met the thief's they looked even more desperate than before. "Iris."

It took Deserey a moment to recall who he was talking about. The two had hardly spoken any words to each other when the Legends had been at Star Labs; and even after she'd put a name to her face, Dez couldn't remember the woman's relation to Barry, until Leonard scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Oy. The girlfriend."

"Fiancée," Barry corrected half heartedly.

"Mazel tov," Leonard said, though his tone was laced with a bit of sarcasm. "What about her?"

Deserey watched as Barry shifted uncomfortably again. She knit her brows together, partly in thought and partly because the wind was picking back up. "Is she in danger?" It was kind of a shot in the dark, but she'd just assumed the fact that Barry needed to steal something and the fact that he'd said her name were connected somehow.

Barry nodded slowly. He looked at Len again, and Deserey could easily imagine him getting down on his knees and begging Leonard for help. "If you don't help me, she's gonna die."

Somehow, Leonard still seemed very unmoved by the Flash's proposal. "True love. That's your pitch."

Barry shrugged helplessly again. "That's all I've got."

Leonard placed his hand over the Cold Gun, inching towards Barry, his eyes down cast. Deserey couldn't tell what he was thinking, and she was sort of worried that he was about to shoot Barry. She bit her lip nervously, watching the exchange. Len glanced up at Barry again. "And I assume saving your girlfriend requires us doing something less than lawful, like Dez said?"

Barry stared back at the thief, nodding again slowly. He didn't appear to be as worried about being shot as Dez was. "We need to break into ARGUS and steal an alien power source."

Dez made a face. She held up a hand, pushing her way between the two men so she could be part of the conversation too. "Okay, what's an ARGUS? Because I'm guessing you don't mean that guy with one hundred eyes." She folded her arms. "Also, alien power source?"

She remembered Gideon saying something about aliens existing back in the fifties, but the Legends had yet to see one face to face.

"Oh, right," Barry muttered to himself. "Almost forgot you guys are from 2016 so you haven't done the whole Dominator thing yet..."

Leonard and Dez exchanged looks with each other. "What?" Len asked.

Barry waved it off. "It's a really long story..." For some reason he wasn't looking at Leonard when he said that.

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