Chap 9 "New Job?"

Start from the beginning

"Why'd you call this meeting for everyone?" Johnathan asked.

"Is it to apologize for not inviting us to your wedding?" Jake asked.

"Uhm, the wedding was a bust anyways," Steve replied. "We got married very quickly because of a situation."

"Yeah, because of that situation, you still owe me a car," I replied. "But, that's not why I called this meeting. I know we're gonna be shutting down for a remodel soon." I looked at all of them. "How many of you are coming back after the remodel?" I counted the hands that went up and wrote down their names. "Okay."

"Are you not coming back?" Sommer asked.

"No, I'm not," I nodded as I handed the list to Joe. "I got a new job."

"Aside from the two you have now?" Andrea asked.

"Well, I'm quitting both of my jobs here," I replied. "I got a job at Disneyland as a character there. I am leaving Hawaii."

"What about Steve?" Maria asked.

"He'll be fine," I nodded. "I already talked to him about this."

"You're fine with your wife living in California?" Jonathan asked.

"Uhm, yeah," Steve crosses his arms. "She was supportive of me when I took one last tour in the Navy."

"I was okay with it you throwing yourself in the sea and swimming out to the boat," I shrugged. "Anyways, it's my last time here and I wanted to come by and say bye." They looked at me. "I was glad to have managed an amazing group of young adults who have come and gone as servers and cashiers. I hope you use what I've taught you along the way in life."

"Babe, we gotta go," Steve looked at his phone.

"What's going on?" I asked. My phone beeped and I looked at it. It went off again. "I'm getting three distress signals." My phone beeped once more. "Four." I looked at the names the signals belonged to. "We gotta go."

"I'll go grab the truck," Steve replied.

"No need," I nodded. "I'm walking out there so you ain't gotta make a second stop."

"Are you sure?" Steve asked.

"That's my big brother, my niece and nephew, and my sister in law," I replied. "I am sure." We got into the truck and Steve started driving. "Can you out a little more gas on it?"

"This is why we took your car everywhere," Steve replied. Steve, Tani, Junior, Grover, and Adam to Rachel's house. I had also asked Grover to call in SWAT. "What's it looking like in there guys?"

"Four armed men on the family," Junior nodded. "They also had three other gunman at each window facing toward the front yard."

"So we can't go inside," I replied. "Not unless you want my family getting hurt."

"We got a direct line going to the house, but so far no one's picked up and no one has made a call to us," Grover replied. The phone rang. "We got something." Grover picked up. "This is Captain Lou Grover of the Five-O taskforce. Who am I speaking with?"

"Put Officer JJ Williams on the phone," the guy replied.

"This is Officer JJ Williams-McGarrett of the Five-O taskforce," I replied. "What can I help with?"

"You gotta married," he chuckled. "How about this? You come inside, unarmed and with no vest?"

"I'm not going in there until I know the kids are safe," I nodded.

"Auntie J," Grace stated. "Charlie and I are fine. Whatever you do don't —" I heard a smack. "Ah!"

"You lay another hand on my daughter and I'll kill you!" Danny exclaimed.

"Leave the kids alone," I replied.

"Come inside," he stated. "You for the kids. You got ten minutes."

"Wait," I stated, but he already hung up. "I know I shouldn't go in there but we can get those kids out. Once we do, Danny, Rachel, and I got the rest." I took off my vest and gun. "I'm going in. I'm saving those kids." I looked at Steve. "Do you trust me?"

"Go," Steve nodded.

"Thank you," I replied. I walked towards the house with my hands up. They let me in through the front door and let the kids go. Grace gave me a big hug on the way out and she slipped her hand in my back pocket. "You have me now."

"JJ, why?" Danny asked.

"The kids' safety over our own," I replied. "That's a promise I made to you both."

"Lock her in the master room," the main guy stated. "We'll keep you in there till you figure out who I am."

"Don't do that," Danny stated.

"Danny, I'll be okay," I replied. I did as I was told. They locked me in there. I got a piece of paper out of my back pocket that Grace had snuck on me. "Let's see." I looked at it and read it aloud. "They were talking about you saying that they'll use you for ransom to get money out of Danno and Mom. Please help us." I looked out the window and saw a way out. I got out my phone and called Steve. He picked up. "I have a plan."

"How are you calling?" Steve asked.

"They didn't pat me down," I replied. "I take it Gracie told you what they want."

"Yeah," Steve sighed.

"She slipped me a note," I stated. "Go around the block to the neighbors backyard. I'm locked in the master but I think we can connect a zip-line and get me out." I heard the lock on the door open. I hid the phone under the pillow. They pushed Rachel and Danny into the room before locking the door back up. "Are you guys okay?"

"Please tell me you're armed," Danny pointed.

"I'm not wearing my hide away," I nodded. I grabbed my phone back from the pillow and put it on speaker. "Steve, I got Rachel and Danny here."

"We'll set up," Steve replied and hung

"Okay," I nodded. "They're going to use me to get money out of the two of you. Did you two owe money to these people?"

"Maybe Stan?" Rachel questioned a bit. "I don't know."

"Everything's going to be alright," I replied. I opened the window when Steve was across the way in the other house. "Watch out." We moved out of the way and Steve shot a grappling gun into the side of the house. "Okay." Steve sent me a bag on the line and I got it. I got out the zipline handles out of the bag. I held it at Rachel. "You first."

"Why?" Rachel asked.

"Danny and I can take them," I nodded. I put the handles on the line. "Go. We'll be right behind you." Rachel grabbed the handles and got to the other side. "You're turn, Danny." I put the handles on the line. "I'll be right behind you."

"Promise?" Danny asked.

"Yes," I smiled. Danny went. I heard the lock click as I put the handles on the line. I stood on the window sill as the guys came through the door. "See ya!" Halfway down the line, I looked back and they were cutting the line. "I'm not going to make it!"

"Yes, you will!" Steve stated.

"No, I'm not," I nodded. The line snapped and I was going down. I landed in a bush, on my back. I groaned. I opened my eyes and saw that they were about to shot. However, someone pulled me out of the bush and into the house. I saw it was Steve. "Thank you."

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