They do the dirty

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"Yo Kirby!" Solei shouted from the other end of the room "wanna fuck?"

  Kirby came to a halt, realizing what her friend (and crush of 69 years) just said. She took a deep breath and answered "Hell yeah dude! Totally!"

Solei wasn't surprised by this, since she knows everyone wanna have sex with her. So she simply said "Yeah, but like, this doesn't make me lesbian or some shit lol. I'm straight. Like, No homo bruh"

Kirby felt slightly disappointed by this, but ripped of her clothes (bad quality.. smh) and jumped butt-naked into her bed.

Solei put on a strap-on to make it even more 'No homo'-ish. She spread kirbys short ass gremlin legs wide and just pounded right into Kirbys pussy w/o any preparations or lube. Coz lube and preparation is for the weak.

Kirby moans didn't do shit to Solei, since she was straight. She simply enjoyed watching her best friend thinking that she finally got what she wanted. Little did she know that Solei had actually put poison on the dildo.

Kirby, who was a completely innocent virgin before this didn't notice, and thought the extreme exhaustion and painless feeling was normal.

She soon passed out in the arms of Solei. The now awake girl looked satisfied down on Kirby. 
"This bitch really passed out after just 1,5 minutes huh? It stood that it would take at least 3 minutes. At least i'm still as heterosexual as i was before." After the short briefing with herself she called out to Frida to come in.

Frida who has been working on writing a porno about her friends came rushing into the room and saw Kirby lying dead asleep on the bed w a dildo deep up her pussy. "I always knew she was a bottom.." she whispered to herself.

Solei heard it but ignored it and said "Here is your birthday present! I made it just for you!" instead.
"She should be dead in about 1 hour. She is currently just unconscious, but do whatever you want. She has no control."

Frida who had always wished for a natural sex-doll squealed and jumped into Soleis arms and french kissed her. Solei looked satisfied to see her crush so happy. She had planned this for a couple of months now and was glad to finally get it over with.
( Solei and Frida said "No homo" after the kiss tho, fyi) 

Kirby had  heard everything that had happened ever since she passed out. She thought dreamily t herself "Ahh, finally Frida can take care of me.. i never realized how deeply i really care for her. I wish i could tell her! At least she'll be able to take advantage of my body. It frels good to know that i'll be useful even after my death" 

Sequel might occur. Depends on the feedback. I take this story fully serious and expect nothing but serious feedback and comments.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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