Andrea Boutella
as Zandra, The Black Queen

The kingdom of Montreal has been a safe haven for assassins and warriors of the land, resilient due to famine and hardened by labor

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The kingdom of Montreal has been a safe haven for assassins and warriors of the land, resilient due to famine and hardened by labor. It is ruled by an assassin only known as Guinevire - the Killer Queen.

Asia Kate Dillion
as Guinevire, the Killer Queen

The kingdom of Milton Keynes managed to preserve its land and isolated its self by erecting a city smacked in the middle of a thick virgin forest

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The kingdom of Milton Keynes managed to preserve its land and isolated its self by erecting a city smacked in the middle of a thick virgin forest.
Its people secluded themselves, trying to live in peace and harmony.  They are forbidden to venture outside its walls except for the barters, bishops and high knights. It is ruled by a beautiful and innocent woman named Amelia. With her snow white hair and pale complexion paired with her compassionate heart towards her people, fairies and animals alike. She is dubbed as the White Queen of Rhye.

Anne Hathaway
as Amelia, The White Queen

The kingdom of Budapest is been well known for its mythical creatures, all menacing and deadly are found there, even the infamous Phoenix has been known to reside there

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The kingdom of Budapest is been well known for its mythical creatures, all menacing and deadly are found there, even the infamous Phoenix has been known to reside there. Fair amount of warriors from the land of Montreal tried to thread the said land but none of them returned alive to tell the tale.

The land of Budukan is the kingdom of Ogres. Humans pushed the Ogres away from their land and threw them away. Ogres are well known as the lowest creature of knowledge and humans highly despised them. With greenish tinged skin, protruding fangs and sinister red eyes, they are creatures of peace but humans stripped away their land and was forced to scour the lands
They are also constantly seeking for acceptance.

The kingdom of Rainbow is the smallest land in Rhye and is the home for the fairies. Humans from Odeon and Montreal has been extorting fairies for their healing capabilities. Their population is slowly plummeting and is in the brink of extinction. The humans who travalled the land of Rainbow believes that Roger resides somewhere in that land, trying to protect the Fairies from extinction.


The seven kingdom of Rhye is a series of one shot inspired by Queen's Seven Seas of Rhye and Queen II album in general.

All rights reserved to Freddie Mercury's wild imagination and Queen's explosive creativity.

The three main characters are Killer Queen (Guinevire), Black Queen (Zandra) and White Queen (Amelia).

Roger, Brian , John and Freddie are the gods of this story.

The Seven Seas of Rhye  (Queen Fanfic AU)Where stories live. Discover now