Why didn't they care? Why was it so different here? What difference was there that Sawyer could see but he couldn't. He couldn't wrap his head around it.

Seeing there was nothing else, Sawyer began to walk off. As she turned the corner, she looked back at the cat who was down in the dumps, so different from the annoying yet great singer that had tap danced his way into town and ruined her morning.

There he was, hunched over sitting on the crate with his legs drawn up close to his chest, his arms crossed over his knees. His ears folded down in disappointment. His tail limp as it dangled off the edge. His first day in Hollywood had been going so well. He had arrived and gotten a part in a major movie. In the end, he had gotten treated like nuisance by the director, laughed at by the other actors, and his dream getting trampled on by just about everyone.

He had put everything into every note and step. He had never realized how harsh Hollywood really was.

For Sawyer, a part of her hated to tell him the truth, but it was better he learned it now how things worked in Hollywood. After that fiasco of a shoot, she only hoped he would listen and stop trying to make a fool of himself. She felt sorry for him, but there was nothing more she could do... just like the rest of them. They all learned their place in the end, just like she did.

Sooner or later he would learn, for his sake, she hoped it was soon. With a heavy sigh, she shook her head and walked on.

Pudge come over singing the same song Danny was singing when he first arrived. Meredith came out of her hiding place and walked toward Danny. She tried to remember where she heard of Kokomo. Had she been there?

"You can do anything if you..." Pudge stopped as he saw that his friend looked upset.

"Now's not a good time to sing," Meredith told Pudge.

They came over. Pudge took a donut from his hat and took off a small piece, measured them and offered the smaller half to Danny, whom he was standing at least 2 feet away from, "Want some?"

Danny sighed deeply, Pudge quickly ate the bigger half, and looked at Pudge, then looked away "No thanks Pudge."

"Are you ok?" asked Meredith as she sat next to him.

"I'm not sure... Hollywood... Hollywood just doesn't seem to be what I made it out to be."

"I know, we all felt that way when this town wasn't what we dreamed."

Pudge pouted a bit. "Hmmm, at least that big, dumb Max gave up. I was gonna slug him for ya, but I didn't want to hurt the guy," He showed a couple of moves, before tossing the last piece of donut into his mouth. What he said made Danny smile a bit for a second while Meredith rolled her eyes, playfully.

"But what's that Dimple kid's problem? I thought you were great today." Pudge smiled encouragingly.

"Thanks Pudge... What did you like, Meredith?" Danny looked up at the other tabby with a gaze that was hopeful, though could be easily broken.

"Well, I was... speechless. I really didn't know what to say," Meredith said honestly. "But I think you've got a great voice."

"Well I'm glad you guys liked it," he frowned a bit, looking back down at his lap.

Pudge frowned, then clapped his flippers. "Oh you know all that a bob doo doo dee ya aaaah!" He stumbled and twisted as he tried to imitate Danny's dance.

Danny and Meredith chuckled, "No, it's a little more like..."

"Like what?" asked Meredith.

"Here, I'll show you."

Cats don't Dance: The Song of LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin