A sigh of relief came from the other end. "Savannah came here. She said she couldn't sleep and then told me why. I'm just glad your okay."

"So that's where she went," I murmered, running and hand through my mess of curls.

"She's safe with me, don't worry," he said before changing the subject. "Did you get the message from management?"

Confusion took over as I thought back to the previous day. "No, not that I recall."


Silence filled the space between us. "Are you going to tell me what they said?" I asked, feeling myself growing impatient.

"This isn't the greatest time to tell you, but they've planned a spur-of-the-moment tour."

"A what?"

"A tour. We're going on tour in a month Harry. For six months."

"But...no! That can't be right! I have my family to take care of. I have Brianna and her mum to protect. I have a baby on the way Niall! I can't do this."

"I feel ya, but whatever management says goes. You know that."

I rubbed my hand across my face in frustration. Why would they book a tour when they knew I had a baby on the way? "I won't miss the birth of my baby. I can't."

"Harry?" Brianna's sleepy voice called from the sofa.

"I have to go Niall. Talk to you later."

"Good bye mate. And good luck." With that he hung up.

Setting the phone down, I turned to face a very confused Brianna.

"Hi sweetie. Sorry to wake you."

"Why are we in the den?" Before I could respond, the memories of the drama that had taken place settled in her head. Her mouth formed an 'O' shape as she sat up, resting her elbows on her knees.

"Brianna there's something I have to tell you."

She looked at me expactantly, her eyes curious and big. The moon reflected on them just perfectly to show the redness and purple underneath her eyes. I couldn't bare to tell her just yet. Not after all this.

"I-uh I think we should start on the baby room. Early."

Her lips formed an amused, yet tired smile. "What caused that sudden decision?"

"I was just thinking I would be better to have it done now, just in case."

Nodding, she scooted closer to me, leaning her head on my shoulder. "Then the baby room it is. We'll start tomorrow."

Brianna's POV:

It had been nearly a week since the incident with father. He had left in a hurry and we hadn't heard a word from him since. We could only hope and pray he was okay.

The next few days that followed had been less than happy. More depressing then anything. My mum was an emotional wreck, and when she wasn't drowning in her depression, she was constantly nagging me for stuff to do. It helped a lot that we had begun the baby room. She had proved herself more than helpful.

Savannah, on the other hand, wasn't around long enough to share a decent conversation. She spent every waking moment over at Niall's house. She even brought her stuff over and slept there a few nights.

Harry had been awfully quiet lately. I could tell he was trying to seem upbeat and perky, but there was something holding him back. I tried to talk it out of him, but he just went silent and changed the subject.

It seemed like everything in my life had been turned upside down. The only good thing was that Louis and Eleanor were out of the hospital and doing great.

Me and Harry were currently at the clinic, waiting to get our last ultrasound. I sat nervously in the rusty, old chair, holding Harry's hand and rubbing my thumb over his in small circles. Ladies of all ages were scattered around the room. Most of them were alone and had their head stuck in a magazine.

"Mrs. Styles?"

Harry squeezed my hand and helped me up. Kissing my temple, we followed the nurse into the dark room.

"If you could just lay down on that table, I'll be right with you," the dark-haired nurse said as she pointed to a table in the corner of the room. After helping me on, Harry went to sit on a chair at my feet. I watched him quietly as his eyes wandered everywhere but on me. It seemed like was avoiding me in a way. He was much quiter than usual, and his smile was plastered on as though he were forcing it.

The nurse lifted my shirt to reveal my swollen belly and squirted a large amount of cool gel. With her hands she began to spread it around. I closed my eyes and let her do her thing, relaxing as best I could.

"Would you like to know the gender of the baby?" she asked after she was finished. Harry and I had already discussed it, but a glanced in his direction for reassurance.

After a moment's hesitation, he finally spoke up. "No thanks. We'd like it to be a surprise."

Our eyes stayed focused on each other. I silently asked him what was wrong. He seemed to understand and shook his head. Moving his chair closer, he grasped my tiny hand in both of his.

We stared at the screen until the nurse was finished, taking in every movement our baby made, completely fascinated by the mini miracle. Harry remained distant as we left the clinic and drove home. The silent treatment he was giving me was more then I could handle. As soon as we arrived home, I popped the question.

"Harry what's wrong? Why are you being so quiet?"

He shrugged and walked into the kitchen, moments later emerging with a beer in hand. "Nothing's wrong."

I gave him an 'I-know-you're-lying,' look and his eyes drooped. I followed him into the den and sat down, knowing that this could take a while.

"You know you can tell me anything..." I started, but was interuppted by his lips suddenly smashing into mine. I was taken completely by surprise.

He pulled away just as quickly as he started and looked me square in the eyes. "Brianna, there's something I have to tell you. Something that you're not going to like."

Judging by his tone of voice, I knew whatever he was about to say wasn't going to be easy to take in. I nodded, silently urging him to go on.

"Management has booked me and the boys a six month tour..."

I nodded slowly, not understanding what was so horrible about his. I mean, he went on tours all the time. This was nothing out of the ordinary.

"...in three weeks."

Then it sunk in. He wouldn't be there for when our junior came into the world. "But you can't. What about our baby?"

He shook his head sadly. "I've tried to talk them out of it, but the tour is already sold out, and I don't want to disappoint the fans...plus I don't have a choice."

"No. I need you Harry. I won't be able to give birth alone-"

"You're mum is here. Savannah is here. You won't be alone."

"This isn't fair." I could feel the sting of tears rising to the surface. Being pregnant definetly didn't help with my emotions.

"I know it's not fair. None of this is fair." He grabbed both of my hands and urged my eyes to meet his. "Call me when it happens. I'll fly out as soon as you call me. I'll miss a concert or two if I have to."

Unable to help myself, a tear slipped down my cheek. "Okay," was all I could say, afraid that I would explode into a teary mess.

"I love you Brianna."

I nodded and smiled through the tears. "I love you too Harry."

"And I love you," he said in a childish voice, leaning close and placing a kiss to my stomach, before moving up and connecting his lips with mine once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2012 ⏰

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