Chapter 2 💐

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Mike pov:

For the next couple of weeks, I forced myself to sit next to him and have a deep conversation. He's still as quiet as a door mouse but he has yet to trust me so I can complete my dare.
Sometimes, I stop and think about the dare and how much damage it would cause Will and I. But then I remembered, it's for the money.

Selfish. I know.

It was science, biology to be exact. Once again, forced myself next to Will, his scared face watching me get out my equipment.
I turned to face him, a smile on my face.

"What's wrong, Will? You look frightened every time I sit next to you" I was genuinely confused as to why he was like this in every lesson.

"Oh, no reason" he hid his face with his tiny hands and concentrated on the screen.

I scowled and watched the screen too, not thinking about his expressions or how worried he always looks around me.

A little into the lesson, I got stuck on a biology question. I was so confused, I had never seen the formula before. I didn't really want to get up and ask the teacher, I'm not as confident as I paint my self out to be.
Will must have seen my confusion, he stared at my working out of the formula and realised where I had gone wrong.

"Is it okay?" he asked, pointing to my sheet, indicating he wanted to look at it. I nodded and he snatched it off the table.

"Yes, you're working it out all wrong." he tried to say calmly. "Would you like some help?" he offered.

"Yes please" I sat and listened to everything that he was telling me, he didn't do the work but he showed me, explained it and corrected me constantly.

We both finished our questions. I thanked Will for the help and as he was getting two more sheets from the front, I thought about inviting him to my house for a science night.

He sat down and passed me the second sheet. I looked over it once and gave up instantly. I spun myself around to face Will until he noticed. It wasn't long until he did.

"Yes Mike?" he smiled.

"We've been talking for a good two weeks so, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to mine tonight? For a science night that is" I explained quickly.

"That would be great, thank you Mike." he smiled and continued with his work.

Mission accomplished - befriend him!


Lunch rolled round. I said goodbye to Will as he was going to the library, I went straight to my boys in a hurry.

"I have great news!" I scrambled into my chair. "Update on the dare."

Lucas looked intrigued and excited, Dustin gave me a glare.

"I asked him to come over to mine for a science night. Tonight!"

Lucas was genuinely so happy for me. "You're getting closer to that 1k Michael." he teased.

"I don't like where this is going. Have you actually thought about what it might do to him if he finds out what your relationship was for?"

"He might not even be gay for all I know!" I exclaimed. "But yes I have."

"Are you gay?" Lucas asked suddenly. "I don't have a problem with it. You just never specified"

I thought long and hard about that question. "I'll get back to you on that one"

It was silent for a while.

"What exactly is a science night? What are you going to do with him?" Dustin asked, breaking the silence.

Just a dare - BylerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang