Chapter 1

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Things felt like they were going from bad to worse. First dad died of cancer a couple of weeks ago and now mums gone and commited

because things felt like they were getting to much.

I guess I should start from the beginning of this all.

You could probably cal me the black sheep in my family I worked hard, achieved good grades(most of the time), and most of all I am the fittest

in my family. My brother and I are very much different. He has a stark black hair that is constrasted by his misty blue eyes. His main goal in life

is to see how many eggs he can get on constable Edwin's house. He certainly wouldnt even think about getting a job(considering that he is

20 years old), or even moving ot of mums house.

I couldnt think of how to describe myself. I have the same misty blue eyes that my girlfriend Janice calls mysterious. I dont like to think of

myself as a computer geek but when you think about it, things did fit into place. Whenever I wasnt doing karate or Judo I was on my computer

coding games, playing them, or talking to Janice. Janice and I were taking things slowly although I did have times were I would think.

"Damn I really feel like kissing you" but I generally keep those feelings to myself because I dont think the feelings mutual. At school we would

generally hang out together but sometimes I would just feel like kicking a ball around and Janice would be what you would call a girly girl. She

was really pretty with he soft hazel eyes that shimmer with the color of her brown hair that sits just below her shoulders.

We were in class when I got the call over the PA system blaring throughout the school."Tim Garett. Tim Garett can you please make your way

to the pricipals office."

The class rang with year 7's yelling "ooooooo Tim got in trouble". Thinking that it was no big deal, I made my way down the corrider and out

into the courtyard. My feelings of fear increased rapidly as I saw Principal Gower staning in the doorway of his office.

"Do you know why you may be here?" Principal Gower asked maintaining his gaze.

"To be quite honest with you I honest with you I have no idea why I am here." I replied treading cautioshly because I know that he has a short

temper on Mondays and I can't blame him, I hate them as well.

"So you have no idea what has happened in your home in the last 3 hours?"

"No sir, none at all"

"Well I dont think that I have the right authority to explain to you what has happened. I think that you should find your brother and ask him to

drive you both home. The police officer will tell you both what has happened."

Not really knowing what was about to follow, I made my way to my brothers class but when I got there he was yelling fruriously.

"OMG no one cares about me" and smashing funiture around the class room. One person got in the way of one of the flying furniture but sadly

that person was the teacher.

My brother ran out of the class room when he noticed me.

"Why are you here?" He asked stomping his heel.

"I just got sent to Principal Gower's office and apparently something has happened at home. He suggested that I find you and get you to drive

us both home."



Hey guys I hope that you enjoy this Fan fiction, my last two were all fizzers so I stopped them but I am hoping to have this going for quite a long time. Also if you are a big CHERUB fan answer my quiz and you get free hugs in the comments.

1. What was the name of the group that James got sent to infiltrate on his first mission?

2. Why did James have to pretend to go out with Large's adopted daughter?

3. What is James's mission in life?

If you answer all of those correctly you will get free hugs in the comments XD

Stay popping,


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2014 ⏰

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