Ginuwine: you wouldn't have said that 20 years ago

Benny: What are you trying to say?

Ginuwine: I'm not trying to say anything..if you can't handle it then I will

Ginuwine puts his drink down gets up and goes to this guy named Omar

Ginuwine: Omar What are you thinking

Omar: Kozlovs

Ginuwine: Me too but We need proof

Omar: Got it boss

Ginuwine leaves to go find and call Aaliyah..she wasn't answering her phone so he drove over to her house


Ramiyah heats the doorbell ring she was watching bad boys at the time..she turns off the TV this was a code red for her she didn't say anything she just kept quiet and prayed that they would go away the. She hears a key being put in and her mind went blank the man opens the door he looked it be in his 20's he had curly hair and nice mustache tall good looking person..Ramiyah was scared I mean this is a grown ass man compared to a kid

Ginuwine: Who are you

Ginuwine says harshly

Ramiyah: I'm Ramiyah

Ginuwine: What are you doing here?

Ramiyah: What are you doing here?

Ginuwine: Looking for Aaliyah she's not answering her phone

Ramiyah's voice compared to Ginuwine sounded really shaky

Ginuwine: You live around here

Ramiyah tried to lie

Ramiyah: Yeah..Jamaica plain

Ginuwine: So how do you know Aaliyah?

Fuck he caught me in my lie..what do I do shit..shit..shit


Ginuwine: lets try this again

Ginuwine pulls out a pistol and Ramiyah heart skipped a beat

Ginuwine: How..Do...*pulls safety off* know Aaliyah.. *puts finger on trigger*

Ramiyah: from around..How do you know her

Ginuwine: we work together

Ramiyah: In security business?

Ginuwine smirks and puts gun down

Ginuwine: Yeah security

Ginuwine: As soon as she gets home you tell her to call me okay

Ginuwine leaves and Ramiyah tells a deep exhale

I know walk back into my house and grab me a bottle of water


Aaliyah: Ramiyah?

I know she ain't in my room after I specifically told her NOT to be in my room


Aaliyah opens the door to see Ramiyah wearing a SnapBack and holding a gun pointing it at the mirror she marches over there

Aaliyah: I thought I told you not

Aaliyah snatches the gun from Ramiyah

Aaliyah: To go into goddamn room

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