chap 7 - Fuck You

Start from the beginning

"Win any cash too?"

"Oh, the car isn't good enough for you, huh, Yoongi?"

"Nah, just curious."

"Got about...80,000₩. It's not much but-"

"Don't matter, we got about 244,000₩ all together," Jimin explained, "and Tae got 108,000 of that on his own." Namjoon furrowed his brow and asked him if he was being serious and Seokjin showed him the roll of notes still in his hand. Namjoon stared at it and then Taehyung grabbed it back before shoving it into his boot.

"You upstaged me man! I said we could earn cash not win fucking cars!"

"324,000₩ and a car," Jungkook said, the first thing he had managed to say since their friend had arrived a few minutes ago. "I don't believe this. What the fuck?" He started laughing again before getting to his feet and moving to stand by the other boy. He saw a few dents in the hood and several stickers in the corner of the window, in which the glass was unscratched and looked in perfect condition. "Is this a good car, huh?" he asked stupidly and Taehyung snorted before slinging his arm around his shoulders and ruffling his hair roughly just like he always did with Jimin to annoy him. "What, I was being serious?"

"Look at this baby! A good car? Fuck you Jeon Jungkook!" He tried to wriggle free but his grip was too tight and it didn't work. Seokjin decided that it was a good time to pop the back the boot open and drop his holdall in it and they all hastily tossed their bags at him, making him complain after Jimin managed to smack him in the face with his backpack rather hard. The other boy didn't hand his bag over because it meant letting go of him, and possibly also because there was some booze inside of it. "I haven't seen one of these in forever, no one drives the cool-looking cars any more."

"Probably because this car is older than our grandparents," Hoseok remarked and it made Jungkook grin. "Or maybe because they guzzle gas like you drink beer?" Their eldest friend slammed the boot shut and they all stood around the vehicle for a moment as if they weren't entirely certain what came next.

"One question," Jimin asked, breaking the silence, "who actually has a license?" The question hanged in the air for a few seconds and then they all burst out laughing again. The boy looked at them all in comic confusion, eyes wide and lips pouted in a little 'o'. "What? I don't get it? What's so funny?"

"God Jimin, you wonderful child," Yoongi grinned widely. "Since when did we care about licenses or shit like that, huh?" Jimin furrowed his brow as he thought this over and then he smiled slightly, but he still looked rather confused by it all. "The real question is: who's driving the car first?" Namjoon looked at Seokjin silently and the young man thought it over before confirming that he'd drive for the first few hours until they were out of the city just because he had at least had some driving lessons in the past before giving up the idea of being able to afford a car. He finally didn't need to buy one after all. He tossed the keys at him and Seokjin caught them better than the bags before moving to climb into the front. Namjoon went around the side to dive into the passenger-seat before any of them could even shout the word 'shotgun' and then there was the sudden realisation that they all had to fit in the backseat. Jungkook managed to wriggle inside before Taehyung could, forced to slide along to the middle because Jimin had also beat the two others to the other window seat.

"Respect your elders," Yoongi complained as he stood in the doorway and glared at them.

"Shift over a little, there might be enough room." Jimin elbowed him hard in the ribs so he pressed up against his friend and managed to free up enough room for the young man to sit down, having to place one leg up on the other boy's knee so that he could slam the door shut. Hoseok walked around to the back to climb into Taehyung's side, sitting on his lap because he had no other choice: there wasn't a single inch of seat left. No seat belts to keep him in place the boy had to wrap his arms around his waist to make a temporary one and Jungkook shifted to try and allow him a little legroom.

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