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I never thought I would end up here.

Clara Drayce Rainflower lay on a makeshift stretcher surrounded by dead or dying witches and wizards. two stretchers over, the still, unmoving bodies of two people who had once been a sort of family to her, Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin, were growing cold. 

Across from where she lay, Clara could see the Weasley family huddled around a body. Despite the hush that had fallen in the massive hall there was to much noise to understand any given conversation, so Clara lay, too weak to call out, too weak to ask, too weak to move and find out who was laying on the sheet.

She just prayed it wasn't who every worst fear screamed it could be.

But the room was swirling and darkening as her head pounded and the white beneath her turned to red. So she closed her eyes and gave in to the darkness.

When Clara opened her eyes again she found Selene, a Ravenclaw girl slightly younger than herself, sitting beside her.


"Clar!" Selene's tired, dirt-smudged face lit up with a grin. "I'll be right back."

Clara was still to weak to sit up, so she lay and waited, listening for footsteps.

She knew it was him before he was beside her.

"Clar." George Weasley's voice was shaking. His voice never shook, not this way. Even after he had lost his ear he had gone back to making jokes straight away, now his face was covered in dirt and blood, his eyes were puffy and two clean lines ran down his face where tears had cleared away the grim of the battle.

"George?" Clara reached for his hand, "Who was it? Please tell me-" she stopped when she saw Selene shake her head just a bit and walk away quickly. "No. No, no, no!"


"George." Her throat felt like it was closing and she could feel her heart pounding. 

"Stay with me Clar. Stay with me." George gripped her hand tighter.

She could hear the voices as people scrambled to her bedside, trying to find out what was happening but everything was blurring again.

"Clar!" George's voice higher, as though he couldn't get the word out.

The darkness was coming again, and the last thing she saw before it took her was George's pale face, trying to make the words come out.

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