19. Chapter

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I woke up and tried to get a better position in my bed, so I could continue my sleep. I found the perfect position, but then remembered something. I shot up, looking at my surroundings for the first time. I was in the room Andrew showed me yesterday. Andrew was sitting on a chair, watching me sleep.

"Did you sleep well?" Andrew asked, with a raspy voice. He stood up from his chair, and started walking towards the bed. I moved away from him, as he moved closer.

"(Y/n), my love, don't be like this. You're safe here with me. No one will hurt you ever again" Andrew said seeing me back away from him. 

"But... You hurt them. You hurt my friends" I managed to squeak. Andrew was already on the bed, so I stood up from it. Now that I didn't have to crawl I could move faster. I stole a quick glance at the door, to be sure my back was facing it. 

"No (Y/n), they weren't your friends. They tried to do bad things to you. Will wanted to hurt you too, you now? Brian told me so." Andrew stood up from the bed too. "In fact, Brian said it was his idea in the first place" Andrew got closer. 

"I don't believe you" I said backing away more. I checked the distance to the door, and kept my eyes on Andrew. "I was surprised too when I heard it. But then again, He was in the hallway with them, so why take any chances? He deserves a punishment too."

"What about Spencer? He has done nothing to me!" I was freaking out. This wasn't the Andrew I knew. My Andrew would never do something like this.

"He had already gotten his hands on so many girls, and then he got close to you. I didn't want to wait until he did something" Andrew started to sound annoyed, so I took my last step back. I stared at him, and built up my courage. Then I did it.

I spun around, and grabbed the door handle as fast as I could. I opened the door, but Andrew was too fast. He pushed the door closed, trapping me between him and the door. I held my breath, not knowing what I should do. I was trapped in a room with a murderer.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), but I can't let you leave" Andrew whispered in my ear. I felt his breath on my neck, rising my panic even more.

"Why?" I asked, voice shaking from fear. I wanted to move, but my body was frozen. I knew I needed to run, and get as far away from him as possible. I had to call the police.

"I love you (Y/n). We don't need anyone else, we can be happy together. Just the two of us" Andrew said. He took me by my shoulders, and turned me around to face him. I couldn't look at him, so I avoided his gaze. 

"No." My whisper was quiet, but he could still hear it. "I'm sorry, but I wasn't asking" Andrew said, annoyance evident in his voice. 

"(Y/n), you will love me"


Hello my dear readers! 

I promised you this chapter, and here it is!

This was really difficult ending to write. I was thinking, should it be longer? Or would that just be stupid...

Anyhow, I decided that it was better to end it here, because I have no ideas what would happen next. 

I'm going to start a new project today, and hopefully I get to publish it today too!

Hope you liked this story, and hopefully you check my new story too! 

ShinyClatter was here

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