Chapter 5: And We All Fall Down

Start from the beginning

I miss Mr. Crawford; I wonder where he is now.

Probably having some vulture peck at his innards on an abandoned street way, it suggests not skipping a beat.

I can't take it anymore.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU KNOW?" I shout at the top of my lungs, holding myself up with only my two arms at the edge of the sink.

"WELL? DO YOU OR NOT!" Not even a peep. "ANSWER ME!" I bang my fists against the counter. "You do it all the time, regardless of what I say! Answer me!" Still it does not answer.

"Fine," I call back to it. "Fine have it your way. Always have it your way. See if I care! Fine..." I trail off.

Why is it now I feel more alone than I've ever been in my entire life?

+ The plan seems to be going well. Perhaps the second model didn't turn out to be a complete waste after all. I give a humorous chuckle to the sight of his confusion on the screen. Why his blood is awakening slowly, I still ponder. Perhaps the humans' emotional environment had lessened the process. No matter, the final stages have taken their toll. My plan will soon develop enough to continue onto the third subject.

A shadow appears behind me. Slowly turning around I give him a cracked smile. He bows to my greeting.

Pacing around the monitors a slight nuisance pecks away at the depths of my mind. I wonder...

"What is the status of the town's discovery?"

"The humans won't be able to notice for quite a while," He informs with a sinister grin. "I've sent in one of the puppets -"

"You sent a puppet to do such complex work?"

"It is not so complex to convince the humans when all it takes is the strong foundation of fact, Father." Nathan stiffens.

"Fact," I mimic with my grin unnaturally widening. I'm becoming annoyed. "Do you realize they will want more than fact, my child? They will want evidence. They will want proof! Did you really think that a composition of mere words would hold back all of the damn enforcements that they have!" Pulling his ear closely to my mouth I harshly whisper.

"Go back, return and set some of the bodies around the town. Burn everything. We cannot risk having the humans find out. Not now..."

"What shall I do with the rest of the bodies, Father?" Gazing back at the monitor, I notice a few small specks moving around. There are too many for them to be one of my own. Zooming in I can see we have some remaining players. My blood cools.

"Leave them be. I still have a few experiments I want to conduct. Go and tend to your task." His image dissolves into the darkness. Giving a sigh, I continue to stare on observantly. This will be fun. Oh yes, this will be fun.

+ My hands shake at the coldness of the gun. Shoving the few bullets I found into my pocket, I take the picture out of the broken frame next to me. It's a wedding photo of my parents. They looked so happy.

I wonder if they were that happy when they had me. I guess I'll never really know now. Folding it and placing it opposite to the bullets, I head downstairs. The headache is not so bad anymore. Nonetheless, It's still there. I have to find some medicine. Maybe one of the convenience stores around here still has some lying around. Closing the door slowly I say goodbye to the home I left behind so long ago It wouldn't be for long though. I planned to come back after I found some supplies. The sun disappears behind stray clouds masking the street in an ominous tint of shade. It feels easier to see now. I hope it doesn't rain. I don't want this ache to get worse! The air remains still as I walk down the abandoned street. What happened to all of the people if the town burned? It couldn't have killed everyone. If that woman had survived with her sick son, maybe there's more people out there. My feet are killing me. But I can't take regret now. I have to find something to stop this aching. Picking up the pace seems to help. Gazing amongst the destruction, I try to spot any sign of a convenience store.

A huge pulse of pain shoots through my brain sending me to the floor, my hands atop my head, nearly yanking out my hair. I let of a scream.

Suddenly the echo of a child's voice comes to me. It sounds like they're crying. Trying to lift myself up the image of a little boy appears in front of me. He runs quickly away before I can make out any words. Something in my gut tells me to follow him. Holding my head with both hands I ridiculously run after him, looking like a worried brother going after his younger sibling. But it wasn't feeling stupid that bothered me so much. It was the fact that this boy might be the answer to finding other people and I was about to lose trace of him. He turns into a dark alley by some of the homes. I can hear his small feet splatter in the puddles lying on the ground.

"H-hold on," I gasp. My lungs are panging against my chest and my feet are on fire. My head feels so heavy. Wandering into an open field of grass near a playground, the boy makes his way towards the forest.

If he goes in there I'll lose him for sure, I realize in fear. Desperately picking up the pace, my foot slips on a nearby puddle and sends me to the earth once more. My back flatly lands on the ground knocking the breath out of me. I let out a violent cough and let the kid go. I can't possibly keep up now. That and I didn't even know where I was or how to get back. How was I going to get back home now? Gazing up ahead my blood runs cold and humiliation sinks within me. The kid leaded me to a gas station. How convenient, I think.

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