"God, I wish I could, Josh but I have to take notes at a board meeting. I can come by in 3 hours though if you want?"

"OK. Good luck with your meeting. Those guys look at interns like they're scum on their shoes."

"Literally. See you, Josh." I went back up in the elevator to the meeting room.

I entered and handed everyone their coffee. "Who ordered an iced latte and chocolate muffin, Miss Excellent Memory?"

"I did, Mr Judgy Board Member." I smirked at him and handed him his stupid espresso.

I sat down next to Tony and he looked to be stifling a laugh, while Pepper was shaking her head, but I could see a small smile on her face.

"Shall we begin?"

They went on to talk about the business' profits and how they could be improved, but I just looked around the room and Tony was playing Flappy Bird on his phone.

Once I realised, I watched what he was doing and he smirked at me. "Excuse me, Intern, aren't you meant to be taking notes?"

Mr Judgy Board Member looked Judgy, smirking. But I smirked back.

"Oh I am. I created technology that records everything you say, then takes out any hesitations or repetition you speak, and then removes any off topic conversations like this one and compacts everything into bullet points each under a different sub heading for what you've been talking about."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Where did you get that kind of Technology from? It seems technically impossible."

"You know what also seemed 'technically impossible?'" I put air quotes around technically impossible and he just raised an eyebrow. "The telephone, invented by Alexander Graham Bell, in 1876, although Italian inventor Antoni Meucci is credited with creating the first basic phone in 1849, and then devised by Frenchman Charles Bourseul in 1854, and Bell's invention was the one that got a patent in 1876." I recited from memory and out of the corner of my eye I saw Tony smirking and Pepper sighing. I smirked again as Mr Judgy Board Member sat with his mouth wide open.

"But anyway, like I said, I created this technology. So you wouldn't have heard about it at all, as only myself and Mr Stark have tried out the product. Anyway, shall we get back to the meeting, gentlemen?"

Another board member cleared his throat. "Right. Mr Stark, you might want to pay attention to this part."

I nudged Tony and he looked up.

"The board have been discussing, and given recent events, we have come to the decision that an Heir to Stark Industries must be found by the end of next year."

"Excuse me?" Pepper looked totally thrown off guard. "By the end of next year?"

"That's correct, Miss Potts."

"And what if we don't?" Tony sat up.

"Then the Board of Directors will provide one for you."

"Right. So what are the conditions of this?"

"An Heir to Stark Industries must be announced to the Board by the end of next year. It is up to you when you decide to announce it to the public, but a suitable heir must be found by the end of the year 2017. If an heir has not been chosen by midnight on January 1st, 2018, an emergency board meeting will take place to decide on the future of Stark Industries."

"So it can be anyone?"

"If anyone is to find the heir unsuitable, we will bring them in to plead their case and also ask you to explain your choices, as well as any board members who disagree will have to come up with appropriate reasons for disagreeing. If after that, we find them unsuitable, the same protocol of an emergency meeting would take place."

"So, what kind of person are we looking for?" Pepper asked.

"We have compiled a list of people you should consider, anyone else is up to you. If either of you have a child who is born by the end of next year, you may use them as your heir but the board will find someone who can take charge of the company until said child is able to in case of something happening to the two of you. "

"So let me get this right, we have to find an heir to our company, my father's company, by the end of next year to take over after we're gone or retired?"

"Exactly, Mr Stark. That concludes the meeting, unless there is anything I've missed?" Everyone shook their head and the man nodded. "Excellent, meeting adjourned." (a/n I have no idea how business meetings work)

The board members all started to clear out, and Tony, Pepper & I just sat there. Pepper had her head in her hands, Tony looked to be in thought and I felt awkward.

"Oh, would you look at that, they all left their cups on the table. It's not like there's a trash can right by the door." I grumbled and rolled my eyes as I collected the cups and put them in the trash. "Dumbasses."

"What are we gonna do, Tony? How are we meant to find an heir to the company by the end of next year? Lord knows we're not ready for children."

"We'll figure it out. Besides, I have someone in my mind."


"Give it some more time for me to be sure before I mention it to you."

Pepper followed his gaze to the girl putting cups into the trash, who was grumbling and rolling her eyes.

She looked back at her boyfriend and smiled.

He smiled back. "Like I said, give it time."

I came back over then and sat down. "I don't know if either of you have noticed, but every single member of the board of directors are privileged white men. There isn't a single woman, person of colour, anyone from outside North America, or, not that I like to assume, but most likely not, members of the LGBTQ+ community. It's a very exclusive group, and it seems to shut out anyone from minorities, or even just women. Also, from what I've seen, they're all pretty old fashioned men who probably think a woman belongs in the kitchen and homosexuality should be a crime. Also, that one guy looked at me like I was a lowly peasant who was blessed to even breathe the same air as him. While I understand this is a very tight and important group, by only having one type of person in it, you're shutting out newer and fresher ideas that could potentially be amazing. And I'd bet anything that the 'potential heirs' they've provided you with is the same, probably their sons, cocky, arrogant playboys who think they're God's gift to Women. A little like you, Tony, but more annoying, if that's even possible."

I stood up and picked up my phone. "Mia, email the completed notes from this meeting via link, to Pepper Potts, cc Tony Stark."

"Email sent, Miss Parker."

"Thanks Mia."

I looked back at Pepper and Tony. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I promised an intern on a lower floor that I would help him with a problem he's been having."

I left the room and finally breathed out.

When Dani left the room Pepper looked at Tony who was smirking. "How soon can we sign the papers?"

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