🍹🏙rooftop party

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The curtains closed on another fantastic show. The curtain call got such a fabulous response from the crowds, you were so proud to take your bow alongside the other cast members.

Back in the dressing room, you were changing into your sweats when Sophia poked her head around the door.

"Hey, Alex and I were thinking of hitting up for a drink or two... you in?"

"Duh! But Sophia, you're not legal yet?"

"Don't worry, I have my ways" She winks and pokes her tongue out. "Just get dressed and meet us at my apartment after the stage door, OK?"

"Yes, Captain!" You phoney salute.

"Perfection, sayonara" The face goes back behind the door, Sophia has departed.

You hurriedly set out to the stage door, waving your way out you call a cab and head back to your apartment. It's expensive but you share the rent so it's bearable on a broadway salary. With no time to lose you jump into the shower; feeling the 'second skin' that is stage makeup peeling away is the sweetest feeling in the world.

It's now pushing towards the early hours of the morning but you made a promise to Sophia. Hailing another cab, you get dropped off outside her building which is much nicer than yours and head inside.

After taking the elevator up to her floor and knocking on the door a text pings through on your phone.

'It's A-Bright. Come up to the roof as soon as you get to Sophia's

Curious, you thought, taking the elevator up to the top floor and then the steps to the roof terrace.

Once you pushed open the door bars you were greeted with a whole cast themed 'Beetlejuice' party complete with sandworm shaped snacks and a huge purple punch bowl.

"Ploosh peluche purple soup" You hear from behind you, it's Sophia.

"So this is what you mean when you said 'you have your ways, huh?" The two of you laughed together as she dragged you out to dance to Nick Drake. This is definitely Sophia's playlist.

underneath the fairy lights you and Sophia eventually slumped on a bench, then through the shrubbery crawls Alex.

" I snuck you guys a few Bugbeverages, but don't go too crazy, Remember that the show must go on." Alex hands over the pungent cocktails of grape juice, rum and ice.

After one or two... or more cocktails the three of you were feeling merry, taking the time in between jokes and deep talks to resume dancing in the New York night.

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