chapter 1

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You sighed. Today was rough. You got caught drawing in class again, got a low grade on a test you studied really hard on, and of course, crushing on the Metzger brothers. There is the youngest, Jack, he was closest to your age, he is 15. Then there is Ryan, he is the middle child at the age of 18.Then there was the oldest, Adam at the age of 21. You were pretty close with Jack so you have been to their house plenty of times, that's how you met the other two.

You decided to head over to the abandoned band room, it had an old piano, some chairs, extra music stands they couldn't fit in the new band room, and a storage closet.

You began to hear piano playing, it was amazing, then you heard beautiful singing. They were singing Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. You got closer and peeked through the window and saw the brothers?!

They had someone filming so you didn't want to intervene so you just wait and watch them. A few minutes go by so you slowly walk in, with Adam quickly noticing. "Oh hey (y/n)!" Adam said, walking over to you. Ryan looked over and hurried up to you as well. "Hey (y/n)!" Ryan exclaimed in his happy-go-lucky tone of voice. Finally Jack came up to you, blushing really hard. "How much did you hear?" he said obviously embarrassed. You put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Everything, and I'm glad I did because that was amazing!" you said. He turned even more red and smiled. He chuckled. "Thanks (y/n)..." he said. 'WHY IS HE SO CUTE' you thought. "AWWWWWWWW!!" Ryan and Adam said in union. You pulled back your hand quickly back to your side and start blushing profusely. "S-SHUT UP GUYS!" Jack said quickly pushing them. You couldn't help but laugh at their adorableness. "You guys are too much." you said shaking your head. Ryan put his hands under his chin in a girly manner. "We are just soooo cute aren't we?" Ryan said in a high-pitched voice. Ryan always mocked you about this. Little did you know, it was more accurate than he thought.

"RYAN!!!" you exclaimed. You got redder and redder. And Adam had to notice and join in the mockery. "Do you think (y/n) likes us? Look at them," he said squishing your cheeks. " they are blushing!" he said. You get your backpack and leave, just because you know they will follow you home because they are gonna ask you if they can hang out, which really means they want to make fun of your crushes of them more. But you didn't care at this point.

As you expected, you suddenly feel Adam come up behind you and pick up bridal style. "We're sorry!!!" Adam said with his puppy dog eyes. You didn't expect him to be able to pick you up. Then Jack comes up with Ryan. "Can we-" Jack and Ryan said in union, but you cut them off. "Yes, dummies. You can come over on one condition." you said. "What?" Adam asked. You Have to carry me there." you say patting his head. "Uuuggggggghhhh" Adam said annoyed. "Piggy-back ride and that's it." he says. "Deal!" you say getting on his back. Ryan being the way that he is, took a picture just to annoy me. "Delete it." I say. "Not a chance." he says with a smirk. God, you hate when they smirk. It annoys you but they are so darn hot when they do!

You get there and Adam drops you, luckily Jack is there and he caught you. "Adam!" I exclaim. He just laughs. You look at Jack. "Thanks." you smile, while taking his beanie. "Hey! Give it back!" he says laughing, trying to grab it from you. "Nope." you say, playfully. "Jack and (y/n) sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Ryan mocks, running away from you. You run toward him and tackle him. You get up and leave him there. "(y/n)?" he says pitifully. You turn around and he makes a sad face. "Ugh, fine." you say, helping him up. "THANK YOU!" he says. God, he is a child. He runs up and kisses your cheek. You freeze up and blush. He turns around and winks at you. You just quickly go up and unlock the door. "Mom, the brothers are here!" you yell into the kitchen. "Okay honey!" she replys. You all go up to your room. "I love your house, (y/n)!" Jack says. Your mom makes pretty good money so you have a pretty big room. "And lemme guess. You guys wanna-" you were cut off by Ryan and Jack. "SLEEPOVER!" they say in union.

So this was the first chapter! :D I hope you enjoyed. Now in this you are 16, and I already know there is gonna be all the "BUT THAT MEANS THEY ARE TO YOUNG FOR ADAM AND RYAN" and "THATS PEDOPHILIA" comments. And I will respond with this. HOW MANY OF YOU ARE ACTUALLY OF AGE TO BE READING SMUT OR FANFICS ABOUT THEM. Yes I see you. Now in this book there will be no smut. (im making another book for that soon ;D) So SHUSH

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